Walk in my Shoes Business Writing

Good business writing connects you to your reader. An email informs A blog post educates A video entertains Whether the purpose of your business writing is to inform, educate or entertain, your reader defines your success. If there is a disconnect between your...

Readability Add-on Keeps It Simple

Do you do a lot of online research? Have you accessed sites where all the stuff on the page screams at you? Me, too. That’s why I was happy I discovered Readability. If you like simple like I do, you may want to check out Readability. What is Readability?...

3 Wise Monkey Test Makes Slideshare Debut

Who knew how much love was out there for the 3 wise monkeys? See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil The 3 Wise Monkey Test for Business Communication has been one of this blog’s most popular posts. Frankly, I was a bit surprised. People seem to connect to those...

Silent Business Communicators Go Slideshare

Do you send silent messages to your customers that sabotage your business? A previous post, 5 Silent Business Communicators That Speak Volumes, has gone visual. The latest Slideshare presentation shares 5 drones of communication disasters. Without speaking a word, you...

Are Complex Words Over-Seasoning Your Business Writing

Complex words are the Cajun spice of business writing. A little goes a long way. There are times when complex words are necessary. Scientific writing comes to mind. And there is nothing wrong with sprinkling a few to avoid blandness. But, overdo the spice of complex...

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