by Cathy Miller | Aug 19, 2013
We all have opinions on what makes good business writing. The post Can the Business Writing Purist and Textist Get Along? received quite a bit of traffic. That’s not unusual when you discuss old school versus the new social media era. The heart of business...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 16, 2013
There are many reactions you hope for when you send an email. An email blank stare is not one of them. You know what I’m talking about. You send out what you think is a straightforward email The response is a resounding – Huh? Or a virtual yawn What can...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 5, 2013
Think back to a recent business meeting. Which of the following describes you? You’re praying for a human mute button You nod off so much, you’re mistaken for a bobble-head doll You’re engaged, energized, and ready to conquer the business world While...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 1, 2013
Recently, I received a request from a reader to share the post, 5 Simple Business Communication Tips to Keep Customers Smiling, in her business newsletter. That request inspired a Slideshare presentation for the visually-inclined. Please enjoy. And let us know what...
by Cathy Miller | Jul 18, 2013
Good business writing connects you to your reader. An email informs A blog post educates A video entertains Whether the purpose of your business writing is to inform, educate or entertain, your reader defines your success. If there is a disconnect between your...