3 Tips for Avoiding the Email Blank Stare

by | Aug 16, 2013

bigstock-Woman-In-Blank-Stare-48532082There are many reactions you hope for when you send an email.

An email blank stare is not one of them.

You know what I’m talking about.

  • You send out what you think is a straightforward email
  • The response is a resounding – Huh?
  • Or a virtual yawn

What can you do to avoid receiving the email blank stare?

The following are three tips that help put life back into your readers’ eyes.

Tip #1 – Know your reader.

Our readers come with various backgrounds and levels of knowledge.

At times, we can get so comfortable with a topic we forget others may not have the same level of understanding.

Write your email to your reader’s level of understanding.

But, what if you don’t know what that level is?

  • Perhaps he or she is a prospect
  • Or you have a new business relationship
  • Or your email is sent to multiple readers

Keep it simple.

  • Use basic terms
  • Explain technical or industry jargon
  • Offer to answer any questions

Better to oversimplify an email so more readers understand than to receive a blank email stare.

Tip #2 – Limit emails to one objective.

A multi-purpose email may sound efficient, but it contributes to a blank stare response.

  • Busy readers miss parts of your email
  • Readers may become confused about what comes next

Figure out your intent and focus on that. Start with a specific subject line.

Keep it clear.

  • Do you need answers?
  • Do you want to schedule a call or appointment?

An example that hits close to home.

I learned that if I send an invoice for payment on a project in the same email as the final copy, the invoice is often overlooked.

I now send the invoice in a separate email with its own subject line title.

Lesson learned.

Tip #3 – Connect to your reader.

There is a reason mass email templates fail.

The content is impersonal and does not connect to the reader.

That doesn’t mean mass emails never work. If that was the case, email marketing would not be so popular.

Think about e-newsletters you subscribe to — the ones you actually enjoy.

What makes them successful? The sender makes it personal. He or she connects with readers.

Keep it uniquely yours.

If you are writing to multiple readers, choose one.

Make up an image of your ideal reader if you are emailing first-time readers.

Restore Life

The volume of emails we receive can produce the deer in headlights look in our readers’ eyes.

By remembering three simple tips, you avoid email blank stare.

  1. Know your reader.
  2. Limit emails to one objective.
  3. Connect to your reader.

What tips or horror stories do you have about email communication? Please share your thoughts in Comments.

P.S. A shout-out to my friend, Jody, who inspired this post through our email connection. Thanks, Jody.


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


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