by Cathy Miller | Mar 24, 2014
LinkedIn launched in 2003. In over a decade of existence, the professional networking site introduced plenty of changes. Some cosmetic Others more fundamental Depending on your perspective, you may or may not applaud those changes. In my five years as a LinkedIn...
by Cathy Miller | Mar 17, 2014
Raise your hand if this ever happened to you. A key marketing person suddenly quits Your marketing material gets lost in delivery Your marketing presentation crashes Stuff happens. We may not be able to control every aspect of a marketing project, but we can takes...
by Cathy Miller | Mar 10, 2014
The if you build it tactic may have worked in Field of Dreams. However, marketing benchmarks are a better bet for achieving success in your marketing. In Part 9 of our 10-Part Marketing Plan Process, we review marketing benchmarks that help manage the success of your...
by Cathy Miller | Mar 3, 2014
Are you a long-range planner? Or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants? Your marketing timeline delivers a dash of reality. It could be the difference between success and having egg on your face. In Part 8 of our 10-Part Marketing Plan Process, we will review...
by Cathy Miller | Feb 24, 2014
Marketers are like mothers. Some have an easy birth for their marketing message Others labor over the delivery Getting your message to your ideal reader has many obstacles. When you finally succeed, you want your marketing message to be worth the journey. In Part 7 of...