3 Business Writing Pitfalls Choking the Life Out of Content

Have you read content so dry you wonder why your eyes aren’t choking? Cynics would say that’s the definition of business writing. Creative business writing is not a contradiction of terms. If your content is gasping for breath, eliminate the obstruction. Check...

How to Make Creative Business Writing Child’s Play

Does creative business writing sound like a contradiction in terms? Unfortunately, that’s often the case. “About Us” company pages sound like the building itself wrote the content Business writing is peppered with so much jargon the reader needs a...

How to Make Old Fogey Business Marketing Hip

Do you view white papers and postcards as old fogey business marketing? I mean, seriously, didn’t the digital age roll right over those archaic forms of communication? Maybe not. Like a kitchen stuck in the 80s, a renovation could be all you need to make...

How to Innovate on Demand

Innovate has a bad rep. Along with its cousin, innovation, the word is on more than one hated business jargon list. That’s too bad. The concept of making a change or doing something a new way has brought us some of our best products and ideas. So, for at least today,...

5 Concise Business Writing Tips to Stop the Red Negative

Be honest. When you saw Concise Business Writing in the heading, did you cringe? Perhaps you had a flashback to a redline version of your writing you received from a boss. As a writer, it’s difficult to overcome the knee-jerk reaction to seeing our pearls come...

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