by Cathy Miller | Sep 12, 2021
How often are you slammed by lazy marketing tactics? The kind where the sender proves they know nothing about your business. Nor do they seem to care. Doesn’t that drive you nuts? The following are examples of lazy marketing techniques. See if you recognize any of...
by Cathy Miller | Sep 8, 2021
Do you remember your first hero? Maybe it was your dad or your mom Perhaps you looked up to a sibling Or a favorite teacher You loved making them proud. And few feelings were worse than when you knew you let them down. If you want to be a better writer, write like...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 31, 2021
A global pandemic brings a whole new meaning to summertime blues. August is heading out the door but without as many vacation stories. Kids may actually look forward to going back to school. Hopefully, safely. Thinking about the summertime blues encourages me to put a...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 28, 2021
Are you in a highly competitive, technical field? You need to prove you know what you’re doing. You don’t want to dumb down your business communication too much, right? True. But do you know how much is too much? Dumb Down Debate Perhaps it’s the term that makes...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 20, 2021
Have you ever received an email response that surprised the heck out of you? How did the recipient interpret your email that way? The answer could be your writing tone. The wrong tone can cripple credibility and destroy relationships before you have a chance to...