Negating Negative Business Communication

Negative communication stirs the embers of intolerance, despair, and doubt. Like a fast-growing weed, it strangles any hope of connecting. From simple misrepresentation to deep-seeded bias, negative business communication undermines credibility. Negative Business...

7 Mistakes That Misrepresent Your Message

Do you feel some ads really misrepresent the facts? The whoppers are easy to spot. Those claims to make you a millionaire with a simple click on a link. Or all the other “too good to be true” advertisements Thankfully, most of us are not in the business of scamming...

Successful Business Writing: Want the Secret?

What do you think is the secret to successful business writing? Listening Yep, it has nothing to do with writing and everything to do with listening. It is a skill I stunk at. Probably a result of that middle child of seven thing – talk louder and be heard. It did not...

Becoming Kindred Spirits in Business Communication

Have you ever had an instant connection with someone? Something that person says or does has you nodding your head in agreement. Uh-huh, been there – done that. Take that connection even higher and you become kindred spirits in the drama we call life. Imagine the...

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