Has Technology Made Us Stupid or Just Lazy?

Slip the term AI in front of technology in the headline and you have the topic for a new study. Okay, so the study did not use the descriptors of stupid and lazy in its report. While this post (originally published in 2013) focused on technology in general, the 2025...

A Simple Communication Tip That Pays Dividends

If you had a simple communication tip that would guarantee better business relationships, would you be interested? The best news is you don’t have to pay anything to get it. What is this miracle solution? Acknowledgment. If you’re thinking – huh? – allow me to explain...

Simple Business Plan Prevents Painful Plops

Do you hate business plans? Not the start-up business plan, but the managing your business kind. As cliché as it is, a new year nags at small business owners to plot out a plan for the upcoming year (and beyond). Yet another P word – procrastination – pushes our...

3 Ideas for Taking the Sting Out of Rejection

Rejection hurts. No matter the reason for it. It’s tough not to take it personally. And rejection is an equal opportunity offender. It may be personal or strictly business, such as the following business rejection. A lost sale A rejected proposal Business...

7 Social Media Strategies for Strangling the Shoulder Satan

Do you feel like the Shoulder Satan has taken over social media? Admit it. Each of us has one. That little Satan sitting on your shoulder, offering sarcastic social media shots. Your fingers scream with the urge to launch those mocking missiles. Come on – just...

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