Feel the CommentLuv

On this Techie Tips Thursday, feel the CommentLuv from one of my favorite plugins. It is a plugin that helps build your community every time you leave a Comment on a post. Here’s how it works. How to Get Luv These are the available downloads for CommentLuv....

10 Online Tools to Help Your Business

Mondays are a time for planning and organization So, to Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours, here is a list of some online tools to help your business. You can pick and choose and make them your own. I do not have any affiliation with these services. They are...

10 Pain-free Keyboard Shortcuts for Word

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Okay, I admit I am still a work in progress when it comes to keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. Finger Exercises Since I am old enough to remember life before computers, it is a challenge to break old keyboard...

Making Lemonade Out of Technology Failure

Yesterday was one of those lemon-serving days. When technology fails us, what can we do but make lemonade? A Mix of Lemons It actually started the day before when the ISP and landline phone carrier had an outage starting at 2 P.M. I had been sailing along with a...

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