3 Online Writing Tools Your Mother Never Told You About

Occasionally, we all need help in our business writing. Why not make it a bit more interesting? The trouble with many writing or business tools is they require downloading software. Computers get slow enough without adding software How can you be sure the software...

What Is Your Preferred Techie Learning Method?

My secret is out. I am not a techie. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that big of a secret. I am what I call a talented amateur I will never gain the title of Grand Geek Master But, I do love to learn And I love to share what I learn That got me thinking about all the...

7 Easy Steps to Remove Personal Information from Spokeo

It is like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped — Trying to remove your personal information off sites, such as Spokeo. Spokeo has a tagline that it’s Not your Grandma’s phonebook. True – unless Grandma was one who liked to share your...

The 411 on Social Bookmarking

The number of social media platforms is often overwhelming. One area that I have not gotten around to is social bookmarking. Are social bookmarks a must-have? Which ones do I choose? What exactly do they offer? On the cusp of a New Year, we explore new things....

What the Heck Do Web Analytic Terms Mean?

In the early days of a website, you don’t need a web analytic report to tell you there is no traffic. However, when you receive your first report, the terms might leave you scratching your head. Since we are all about keeping it simple, here are the basics about...

A Simple Way to Disclosure

If you are new to blogging, you may not be aware that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revised its Endorsement Guide. At its most basic — If you have a connection with a product or service you are blogging about And the knowledge of that connection might make a...

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