LinkedIn Publishing: Plus or Minus?

LinkedIn Publishing opened a floodgate of words. We have tips on almost everything And personal points of view Members repurpose posts and create original content, hoping to stand out in the leaderboard rush. LinkedIn Publishing is officially open for business....

Google+ Stuff You May Not Know

Google+ has its share of posts, tips, and guides. If you are like me (busy and easily distracted) You find the volume overwhelming In my effort to get up to speed on Google+, I reviewed several volumes of Google+ stuff. I can see this is not going to be a quick...

My Google+ YouTube Fiasco

Do you have a love/hate relationship with Google+? Or maybe one of apathy? On a given day, any of those descriptions fits my experience with the social media platform. To be fair, the problem is more mine than the structure of Google+. I think. Google+ Learning Curve...

Random Twitter Tidbits

Twitter has come a long way from its early reputation of inane tweets. Oh, inane tweets still exist Some have dedicated sites Along the way, individuals and businesses discovered the power of 140 characters. Or less Ideally less Or so THEY say I’ll admit, I was...

Social Media Pill-Popping Mentality

Social media strategy is a thriving business. Specialists emerged Books were written Technology evolved You have endless ideas on the right and wrong way to use social media. As with most edicts in life, I find there is no right or wrong. Just different. Social Media...

LinkedIn Changes to Terms of Service

LinkedIn® changes to their Terms of Service (TOS) went into effect March 26, 2014. Did you review them? If you’re like most of us, probably not Since they came smack dab in the middle of my unscientific poll of LinkedIn members, I thought I should take a peek....

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