Should LinkedIn Dump Experts?

Long before endorsements were a twinkle in LinkedIn’s eye on the future, members chased Expert status in Answers. Perhaps it was an incentive to get members to visit the Question and Answer forum; however, a recent discussion in that platform points towards a...

Leave the LinkedIn Name-Calling to Your Recommendations

You probably have seen them ~ Innovator Strategist Creative Thinker Descriptions in a professional bio? Perhaps. But, that’s not the only place these overused descriptors are popping up. We see these and similar descriptions used in the Professional Headline...

3 Favorite Forms of Comments

As a blog owner, don’t you love a slew of comments on a post? Your blogging heart races There really is someone out there reading your posts We discovered rant posts this year topped the charts for generating the most comments. With the year rapidly coming to an...

Rant Posts Still Rock the Comments

An old-fashioned rant still attracts comments. Rants on changes Rants on customer service Rants on rants There may be other topics that generate more views, but if you want beaucoup comments, start complaining. Post Popularity With another year coming to an end,...

12 Days of Business Blog Post Ideas

Business blog post topics are as popular as receiving holiday gifts. Well, almost. Using the holiday season, let’s put a new twist on an old theme – the Twelve Days of Christmas. Lyrical Lessons Do you remember the lyrics? How about all those gifts? Don’t...

Year-End Relief: Fire Your Inbox

Have you ever moved from one employer to another? As you neared your final day –assuming they didn’t immediately show you the door – Do you remember looking at your email’s overstuffed Inbox? Emails you opened 1,000 times Emails you intended to file Emails...

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