Guest Post: Medical White Papers

I am thrilled to have Nicky Parry back for another guest post while I am out walking 60 miles to stomp out breast cancer. White papers are an anchor of my business writing services and those for the healthcare industry have unique characteristics, particularly in the...

Guest Post: The Ideal Ghostwriting Client

Do you wish you could write a book for your industry? You’re an expert in your field It would be good for business But, you simply do not have the time Another option for you is hiring a ghostwriter. While I am away stomping out breast cancer at the 3-Day, 60...

Guest Post: Cloud Computing

  There are so many things I need to learn that even my What I Want to Learn list takes a sideroad. That’s what happened when I wrote my Cloud Computing post It’s how I ended up with the following guest post Being the smart person I am, I jumped at...

Twitter Business Writing Tips: A Guest Post

If you think about Twitter, you probably don’t automatically connect it with business writing. When today’s guest blogger, Lauren Bailey, approached me with the topic idea, I was intrigued.  I think you will be, too. Please welcome Lauren with some comment...

Guest Post at Brandi-Ann Uyemura About Business Writing

I was thrilled when freelance writer, Brandi-Ann Uyemura, asked me to guest post at her freelance writing blog. Here is a sneak peek. You can see the entire post at Brandi’s site. ============= Who Says Business Writing is Just a Day Job? Speak with business...

Guest Post: Carson Brackney

Carson Brackney is a Consultant and CEO of his own freelance writing and internet marketing business. But, that description does not even begin to cover Carson, who is happily married and a proud father of  two girls. As someone who had assorted jobs, I think it is is...

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