3 Simple Communication Tips to Improve Your Hiring Process

During some time in your life, you will encounter the hiring process. You may be the one seeking a job or the recruiter looking for candidates. Even if your company is just you, you can struggle with the hiring process. You hire companies or individuals for personal...

Eradication Tips for 10 Email Annoyances

Email is often abused, attacked, and declared dead. Despite the bombardment, email endures. That does not mean this form of communication cannot be annoying. Oh, let me count the ways. So, what can you do to reach the full value of email without annoying your targeted...

5 Silent Business Communicators That Speak Volumes

You spend a lot of time on business content. But do you miss silent business communicators? Silent business communicators send a message that hurts your business. And they tend to speak the loudest. Beware – they are lurking to destroy your message. 5 Silent...

Are You a Communication Control Freak?

Have you worked with a control freak? The person who micromanages every aspect of your work to the point where you fantasize about binding them in duct tape. Control freaks can make life and work unbearable. But what if you apply that characteristic to your...

5 Epic Best Buy Customer Service Fails

A recent experience with Best Buy prompted me to do something I rarely do. Name names when it comes to customer service nightmares. I often write about customer service. But it is unusual for me to call out the name of the business that caused the debacle. Best Buy...

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