The Social Media Fantasy: Be Yourself

It is the social media mantra – be yourself! But, are you really succeeding at that or are you just following the crowd? I recognized a long time ago that my resistance to doing something just because everyone else is stems from being the middle child of seven....

Thought Leaders Publish Their Ideas

Whether it’s print or online, most businesses subscribe to industry publications. It’s a great way for keeping in touch with trends and new ideas. You may advertise in those industry publications. An even better marketing strategy is getting your name and...

Bad Habits: The Danger of Social Media

Successful business people know it’s all about relationships. Through effective marketing, businesses build trust – the foundation for developing strong business relationships. That is a positive impact of social media. In a Social Media Marketing Report...

1 Reason Number Headings Get Old

Is it just me or are you getting a bit tired of all the “number” headlines? 12 Steps to Better Health 7 Tips on Social Media Top 10 Sales Techniques Don’t get me wrong. They have their place. I am all for simple and clear writing I use numbered lists...

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