Paid Slideshare Version of To Pay or Not To Pay

Put your money where your mouth is. Isn’t that what the infamous they always tell you? The Social Media Question: To Pay or Not To Pay offered some money tips. When should you pay for social media tools? When should you stick with the FREE version? Slideshare is...

The Social Media Question: To Pay or Not to Pay

The internet has changed the way we think of business. Nearly every platform has a free version, including the biggies. Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Twitter I can’t speak for the top social platforms from China. We expect free content, and when we don’t find...

5 Tips to Avoid Business Writing Death by Committee

Politics is the poster child for death by committee. Reasons for debate are forgotten Discussion is lost in meaningless rhetoric Motives remain buried under layers of diversion Recently, in About Writing Squared Forum, writer friend, Lori Widmer, shared what can...

Has Technology Made Us Stupid or Just Lazy?

Maybe the answer to that question is – both. We use calculators to add Spell-check replaced dictionaries Google closed the libraries of our minds The discussion is not new. In 2008, technology writer, Nicholas Carr, questioned if Google was making us stupid....

Pew Social Media Report Produces Some Head-Scratching

Social media reports come in all shapes and sizes. Demographic use Marketing trends Influence on politics If you’re like me, you find them mildly interesting, but seldom eye-opening. Pew Research Center markets itself as a non-partisan, nonprofit “fact...

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