by Cathy Miller | Aug 17, 2022
Part of the Who is Affected series Okay, so not sharing business communication may be less than life-threatening. But have you ever felt like you were the last person to hear about changes? Changes that have a direct impact on what you do. Tick you off? Yeah, me too....
by Cathy Miller | Aug 11, 2022
Part of the Who are You series Consumers are a skeptical bunch. With a raised eyebrow and a load of mistrust, consumers want to know. Who are you? Why should I care? What problems will you solve for me? How are you any different from the rest? Then they demand you...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 9, 2022
Part of the Who are You series Have you seen the show, Shark Tank? If you have, I bet you think it’s aptly named. People pitch their business product or idea to a panel of self-made millionaires and billionaires (the “Sharks”). The Sharks decide if...
by Cathy Miller | Aug 7, 2022
Samantha’s business communication frustrated her. Oh, she was proud of the content, but no one noticed it. Samantha’s friend, Lucy, suggested maybe it was time to get back to business communication basics. What Are Business Communication Basics? Lucy’s suggestion left...
by Cathy Miller | Jul 22, 2022
Has your business communication lost its zing? Is it boring? Have you put it on autopilot? Do your words yawn back at you before you hit Send? Even professional writers occasionally lose the pizazz in their writing. Sometimes all you need is a little zing infusion....
by Cathy Miller | Jul 5, 2022
Vivid business communication is not a phrase you see every day. Unfortunately, boring is more often the term associated with it. Posts have gone viral over the topic of boring business writing. Not exactly a reason for celebration. Wouldn’t you prefer the word...