10 Business Blog Ideas Sitting in Front of Your Face

Quick – answer this question – What is the toughest part about managing a business blog? If you answered – Figuring out what to write about – You are not alone. At Arm’s Length I feel your pain. Some days I stare at the blank blog post screen I’m a...

Are Polls My Waterloo?

Don’t you hate finding out you stink at something? I discovered that I stink at creating polls. I don’t mean the mechanics. There are endless online forms and web poll generators Tons of instructions exist for creating Facebook, Twitter, and blog polls...

Free eBook With Business Writing Tips Released

Announcing – the eBook – How to Be a Business Writing MVP: Your Playbook to Better Writing Is yours for the taking Well, for reading anyway Download it for free No sign-up required Your Own Playbook I realize not everyone loves business writing like I do. If you...

Guest Post at Brandi-Ann Uyemura About Business Writing

I was thrilled when freelance writer, Brandi-Ann Uyemura, asked me to guest post at her freelance writing blog. Here is a sneak peek. You can see the entire post at Brandi’s site. ============= Who Says Business Writing is Just a Day Job? Speak with business...

Business Writing Molds Don’t Have to Get Moldy

Have you ever noticed that some people need rules? They need structure They need organization They need molds That’s not a bad thing. When you take it to extremes, it becomes old – like mold. Molds for business writing are great tools – just don’t let them...

Learn From My Case Study Fatal Flaw

  The silence was my first clue. After multiple follow-ups, and no word from my case study client, my nerves kicked in. When I did hear, it was to be told they were not satisfied with the case study draft I sent them. It’s the first time I heard that...

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