11 People Take a Chance on Launch-Will You?

11 people left a comment on the announcement and the book review of Launch for a chance to win 1 of 2 free copies. Will you take a chance? Launch is the new book by Mike Stelzner Founder and executive editor of Social Media Examiner It tells the story of the rapid...

Launch Book Review is Here:Enter to Win Copy

It took some doing, but book review day is here. I must admit after seeing reviews of Mike Stelzner’s new book everywhere – It took some of the shine off my selection as one of 50 bloggers to review it. Isn’t that the way with a Top 50? Mike would disagree...

Win Copy of Mike Stelzner’s New Book: Launch

A previous post announced I would be doing a book review of Mike Stelzner’s new book – Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition Due to a glitch in shipping, it took longer than expected to receive the copies of the book. That’s...

When Brilliant Posts Fall in the Forest of Unread

We all have them – those brilliant posts that are never read. Or at least we all want to think so Don’t shatter the illusion So, what to do? Do you leave it in the Forest of Unread and pray for someone to come along and discover it? What do you think the...

5 Business Writing Tips Calculated by Math

In my Corporate days, I often used math. I envied coworkers who could pick up a spreadsheet and find an error at first glance – except, if it was mine. But, then I’d find a typo of theirs and all was right with the world again. Math is not natural for me I...

More LeBron James Business Lessons

Following The Decision, I doubt LeBron James paid much attention to my business analogies about his situation. But, I would like to thank LeBron for inspiring yet another blog post. Basketball Round-up In case you are not a sports fan or managed to escape the endless...

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