A Human Customer Service Trick We Lost Along the Way

Do you ever wonder why we are so disconnected in a 24/7 connected world? Customer service flies on a wing and a prayer of technology too big to respond. We receive DO NOT REPLY emails We fill out online forms to nowhere We yearn for the sound of a human voice Hear the...

Why Your Best Secrets Are Not a Competitive Advantage

Businesses go to great lengths to protect their best secrets from competitors. Non-compete agreements threaten Proprietary information is omitted Business writing is full of deleted text What if you shared those secrets?  Would disaster occur? Would your...

How Bad Business Communication Lost $60 Million

If you had the opportunity for a five-year, estimated $60 million contract, would you go for it? Is that a rhetorical question? This is a sad tale of how bad business communication lost the potential sale. The Money’s in the Details Imagine my surprise when I...

Annoying Business Jargon Even the Pros Use

  We love to slam bad business writing. It’s bad, boring, and barely read all over It’s annoying, pretentious and useless Admit it. We all use business jargon – even the pro writers. Don’t think so? Look at some of the jargon that made the...

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