Are You in a Bad Words Relationship?

Have you ever been in a bad relationship? Well, Duh. Who hasn’t, right? Maybe you swore off relationships altogether Although I bet that didn’t last Now, think about your relationships with words. Don’t think you have one? Sure you do. Your words...

25+ Overused Business Words With Alternatives

How much do you hate overused business words? Apparently, a lot. This post consistently tops my most visited posts. Many of you offered your own selections. There are so many choices, so little time. Business words and phrases leap from creative to trite faster than...

The Simple Word Shuffle to Better Editing

Do you hit a point when the clutter of paper on your desk drives you nuts? It’s an event that needs to happen more often for me. But, when it does, I am amazed at how a simple shuffle of paper makes me feel so much better. You can use a simple word shuffle to...

Why is it So Hard to Keep it Simple?

Keep it simple. How many times have you heard that phrase (with or without the stupid part)? You probably embrace the concept. Unfortunately, the theory seems unclear to much of the business world. Especially when it comes to business communication. Why is simple so...

3 Off Switches in Business Communication

Do your customers have certain business communication triggers that flip their switch? Words that inflame? Attitudes they hate? Distractions that unhinge? You hope your communication produces a positive response. But what if it doesn’t? Do you know what turned...

Your End-of-Year Business Review: Keeping it Simple

Is your Inbox groaning with seasonal sales pitches? Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Sale – sale – sale. This time of year brings one last push for most businesses. While you’re wading through the offers or making a few of your own, think about the past year. Take...

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