6 Story Endings with a Business Twist

Meet Joshua. He’s been practicing his business storytelling to snag the attention of his desired market. Joshua starts out strong, but then his story endings slowly chug toward the finish line. By the time the story ends, his audience mentally checked out or moved on....

5 Tips to Become Better at Storytelling in Business Writing

What do you picture when you think of good storytelling? J. K. Rowling’s magical Harry Potter series? Steven Speilberg’s terrifying interpretation of Jaws? Business writing in the 21st century? Okay, that last one is probably not on the top of your list. But it could...

5 Smart Tips that Don’t Dumb Down Your Business Content

Are you in a highly competitive, technical field? You need to prove you know what you’re doing. You don’t want to dumb down your business communication too much, right? True. But do you know how much is too much? Dumb Down Debate Perhaps it’s the term that makes...

How to Fix a Writing Tone That Hits the Wrong Note

Have you ever received an email response that surprised the heck out of you? How did the recipient interpret your email that way? The answer could be your writing tone. The wrong tone can cripple credibility and destroy relationships before you have a chance to...

An Interview That Has Me Talking to Myself

Have you ever featured an interview with a business owner on your blog or in a case study? It can be a fun topic to do. The secret is keeping it real. You want readers to relate to the business owner. The interview suggestion was one of 30 ideas offered in a post...

3 Business Writing Pitfalls Choking the Life Out of Content

Have you read content so dry you wonder why your eyes aren’t choking? Cynics would say that’s the definition of business writing. Creative business writing is not a contradiction of terms. If your content is gasping for breath, eliminate the obstruction. Check...

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