Beyond 120 Transition Words and Phrases

A good transition is like a bridge that takes you from one side to the other. Without it, your readers may miss the connection. These tiny titans of clarity take on many roles in business writing. Transition words and phrases link ideas They clear the way for...

Write With Your Ears

Write with your ears? What’s that? Another stupid human trick? I suppose it could be, but this post focuses on an even better trick. Connecting with customers And it starts with listening Do You Hear Me Now? In a past life, I accompanied sales representatives on...

Are You in a Bad Words Relationship?

Have you ever been in a bad relationship? Well, Duh. Who hasn’t, right? Maybe you swore off relationships altogether Although I bet that didn’t last Now, think about your relationships with words. Don’t think you have one? Sure you do. Your words...

25+ Overused Business Words With Alternatives

How much do you hate overused business words? Apparently, a lot. This post consistently tops my most visited posts. Many of you offered your own selections. There are so many choices, so little time. Business words and phrases leap from creative to trite faster than...

The Simple Word Shuffle to Better Editing

Do you hit a point when the clutter of paper on your desk drives you nuts? It’s an event that needs to happen more often for me. But, when it does, I am amazed at how a simple shuffle of paper makes me feel so much better. You can use a simple word shuffle to...

3 Easy Bio Building Blocks

Social media is an impatient platform. What’s trending today is forgotten tomorrow. Who would believe we’d be losing the attention span race to goldfish? Unless you don’t believe that tale. Regardless, you have probably experienced how difficult it...

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