3 Tricks for Vivid Business Communication

Vivid business communication is not a phrase you see every day. Unfortunately, boring is more often the term associated with it. Posts have gone viral over the topic of boring business writing. Not exactly a reason for celebration. Wouldn’t you prefer the word...

Is Your Business Writing Figuratively Speaking?

Business writing is a barbed wire trap (figuratively speaking). Although to some readers (and writers), the pain is real. You navigate a field filled with typos, grammar gremlins, and the dreaded boring. Boring may be the deadliest of them all. Blast boring by...

Ten Terrifying Typos in Business Communication

What is terrifying to you? A Stephen King novel? Is Halloween your favorite holiday? It’s one of mine. We find comfort in knowing the terror is not real. Real terror? It’s that moment you discover a typo in your business communication. The following...

Successful Business Writing: Want the Secret?

What do you think is the secret to successful business writing? Listening Yep, it has nothing to do with writing and everything to do with listening. It is a skill I stunk at. Probably a result of that middle child of seven thing – talk louder and be heard. It did not...

Tools for Avoiding Grammar Pitfalls

Grammar is like math. Some of us cringe when we hear the term. Others find the topic endlessly fascinating. Regardless of which camp you fall into, good grammar builds a solid foundation for your business communication. Grammar is the GPS to better business...

Eradication Tips for 10 Email Annoyances

Email is often abused, attacked, and declared dead. Despite the bombardment, email endures. That does not mean this form of communication cannot be annoying. Oh, let me count the ways. So, what can you do to reach the full value of email without annoying your targeted...

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