Customer Service Warning: When Speed Kills

COVID may have killed the idea of customer service speed. Just getting someone to answer is a major challenge. Yet, companies still track metrics for speed. Like how long it takes for a representative to pick up a call or the time it takes for a webpage to load....

5 Communication Pet Peeves with Really Simple Fixes

What communication pet peeves drive you nuts? Is it when someone calls you by the wrong name? Or the person who never returns a call? Whether in our business or personal lives, communication missteps make our blood pressure skyrocket. Even more maddening is how simple...

How to Stop Randomly Using Racist and Biased Phrases

The origins of words and phrases are fascinating. At least to this word nerd. But what if the word or phrase you use is rooted in racist or biased meaning? Would it change your mind about using that phrase? We all use throwaway, everyday phrases to make a point or...

My 10 Worst Writing Slip ups Lurking in Plain Sight

If I show you my writing slip ups, will you show me yours? Although I call myself a writer, I am far from immune from the sly slip ups sneaking into unsuspecting sentences – or headlines – or tweets – or almost anywhere. My fingers tremble over the...

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