How to Add Social Media Share Buttons to PDFs

  A popular post and free download at this site is 5 Steps to add a RT Button to Your PDF. Although not a new concept, some of us have not taken the time to figure out how to add social media share buttons to our PDFs. When I went looking for instructions, this...

SnagIt How-To for Capturing Drop Down Menu

I created this short video for SnagIt users who want to know how to capture an image of a drop down menu. I discovered this neat little trick while creating a tutorial. I figured if I didn’t know if before now, someone out there is in the same boat. Capturing...

Why Your Best Secrets Are Not a Competitive Advantage

Businesses go to great lengths to protect their best secrets from competitors. Non-compete agreements threaten Proprietary information is omitted Business writing is full of deleted text What if you shared those secrets?  Would disaster occur? Would your...

How Bad Business Communication Lost $60 Million

If you had the opportunity for a five-year, estimated $60 million contract, would you go for it? Is that a rhetorical question? This is a sad tale of how bad business communication lost the potential sale. The Money’s in the Details Imagine my surprise when I...

Now Facebook is Messing With Your Email Address

Once again, Facebook has made a change you probably don’t know about – unless you picked it up from the blogosphere. Do you think the people that run Facebook are bored? Are the new multi-millionaires looking for things to do? Facebook changed your default...

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