The 3 Wise Monkey Test for Business Communication

You probably know the 3 wise monkeys. See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil You may see a shuffle in the order of the monkeys. And there are varying interpretations on the meaning. The western world leans toward a meaning of looking the other way You see evil –...

LinkedIn is Running Out of Answers

Well, LinkedIn certainly found a unique way to fix the Expert problem. Instead of dumping the designation, LinkedIn is dumping Answers. To top that off, LinkedIn announced last month it’s partnering with Quora. So many questions, so few answers. Out of Answers...

Your Business Communication Isn’t That Proprietary

Being heard in a noisy, digital world is hard enough. Why do we make it even harder by keeping our business to ourselves? We are so afraid someone will steal our secrets, we slam the door on communication Raise your hand if you have ever heard this? We don’t...

Exploring SlideShare Options

Feel like exploring SlideShare with me? I was introduced to SlideShare through LinkedIn applications I love PowerPoint so I thought why not give it a whirl Admittedly, I have not used it a lot, and like most new platforms, I opted to go with the free version....

Should LinkedIn Dump Experts?

Long before endorsements were a twinkle in LinkedIn’s eye on the future, members chased Expert status in Answers. Perhaps it was an incentive to get members to visit the Question and Answer forum; however, a recent discussion in that platform points towards a...

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