Why You Want to Avoid SlideShare Slap & Post

Did you know SlideShare receives millions of visits and views? Nearly 60 million visits And over 150 million views A month! Another interesting fact. The average number of slides per presentation is increasing. Before you go digging out all your old PowerPoint...

Has Social Media Forgotten Its Manners?

Thank you. Two words most of us were taught as a child to use on a regular basis. We parroted the phrase to make our parents happy. Then somewhere along the way, the reason behind the words clicked. Saying thank you felt good Expressing it became genuine Others smiled...

Social Caring: It’s Not Your Father’s Care

You know you’re getting older when you hear the term social care and think taking care of mom or dad. In today’s digital world, the term has come to mean customer service through social media. Customer service has moved beyond call centers And into a world...

The 3 Wise Monkey Test for Business Communication

You probably know the 3 wise monkeys. See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil You may see a shuffle in the order of the monkeys. And there are varying interpretations on the meaning. The western world leans toward a meaning of looking the other way You see evil –...

LinkedIn is Running Out of Answers

Well, LinkedIn certainly found a unique way to fix the Expert problem. Instead of dumping the designation, LinkedIn is dumping Answers. To top that off, LinkedIn announced last month it’s partnering with Quora. So many questions, so few answers. Out of Answers...

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