7 Warning Signs Your Business Writing Stinks

Business writers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are professional writers Others are business owners who also write And some have been drafted into writing Even the professional business writer has a bad day now and then. Bad business writing hits us all –...

7 Get Er Done Ideas for Stalled Business Projects

Do you have management responsibilities? Are you working with a lean staff? Maybe the staff is just you. Do you have stalled projects? Need help getting them completed? The answer is simple – hire a freelance business writer. Okay, so I’m a bit biased on...

Give-Away Content Marketing Has Traditionalists Twitching

Give-away marketing is better known as content marketing. Basically, you share content that delivers valuable information with potential buyers – for free. The above link to Jennifer Mattern’s Writing for Bloggers lists some of the different formats for...

SlideShare Tips for Finding the Right Business Writer

A lively discussion in a LinkedIn Group discussed the pros and cons of accessing bidding sites for hiring a professional writer or freelancer. There are alternatives to bidding sites. A prior post offered tips for finding the right business writer. If you are a...

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