The Overnight Secret to Better Business Writing

Do you wonder why some food tastes better the next day? Chinese food delights Cold pizza calls to you Pasta spices dance The secret is overnight rest. Something magical happens when your refrigerator’s light winks out for the night. That same nocturnal magic...

5 Tips to Avoid Business Writing Death by Committee

Politics is the poster child for death by committee. Reasons for debate are forgotten Discussion is lost in meaningless rhetoric Motives remain buried under layers of diversion Recently, in About Writing Squared Forum, writer friend, Lori Widmer, shared what can...

Has Technology Made Us Stupid or Just Lazy?

Maybe the answer to that question is – both. We use calculators to add Spell-check replaced dictionaries Google closed the libraries of our minds The discussion is not new. In 2008, technology writer, Nicholas Carr, questioned if Google was making us stupid....

3 Tax Season Tips for Better Business Communication

Tax season is misplaced. Taxation should be a winter sport. Not Spring ~ when flowers bloom, birds chirp, and warm weather coaxes us outside Yet taxes hold the distinction as one of only two certainties in life – death and taxes. There are lessons to be learned...

Spring Into Better Business Writing

Happy first day of Spring. Hopefully, it’s not snowing on your day Spring brightens our world with a splash of color And has us thinking of rebirth Why not take the best of Spring and introduce it into your business writing? A Splash of Color Take a look at your...

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