Video Review of Free Downloads at Simply Stated Business

Who doesn’t love Free Stuff? I know I love it. I am building the free downloads here at Simply Stated Business. And I started doing the same at my health care blog, Simply Stated Health Care. The short video below gives you a quick recap on what’s...

7 LinkedIn Rules You Still May Not Know Plus More

Did you see LinkedIn’s banner about a new User Agreement? If you read the agreement, you know you agreed that LinkedIn could use the banner. That and a few other details. In 2011, 7 LinkedIn Rules You May Not Know reviewed the agreement that was in place at the...

A Goldilocks View of Business Marketing Advice

Have you ever thought Goldilocks was a tad self-centered? First, she breaks into the three bears’ home Then she complains about too hot or too cold porridge Next, she breaks the baby bear’s chair How rude. You’d like to think that your customers are...

Can the Business Writing Purist and Textist Get Along?

Business writing purists draw a line in the sand of words. Textists kick that sand in the face of purists. There is no doubt business writing has changed. Epic battles defending what has always been versus a give me a break attitude rage on in the written world....

How You Makes You a Better Business Writer

Somewhere in the grammar guardian world, a purist has fainted over that headline. I promise if you hang in there with me, you will understand. Today’s business writing is not your father’s business writing Okay, maybe that should be your...

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