Cousin Itt Teaches Better Business Writing to It

At the risk of revealing how old I really am, today’s post employs help from Cousin Itt. Cousin Itt? Addams family? The TV show? Yes, I am old enough to remember the original. Then there is the bonus of Halloween being this week. Little Characters I was also...

3 Ways Statistics Create Better Business Writing

Do you hear the word statistics and yawn? This cousin to math can get a bad rap. Boring Meaningless Exaggerated That last point may be true. I’ve written more than one post regarding the danger of twisting statistics. I often share one of my favorite quotes....

Can You Have Too Many Answers?

Your clients look to you for answers. They have a problem You have an answer But, can you have too many answers? Let’s explore the possibility. Answers Before Questions Entrepreneurs are a unique breed. They are high-energy Can’t is not in their DNA These...

5 Interesting Trends About Content Marketing

The term content marketing is bantered about – a lot. Depending on who you talk to, its meaning varies. Some definitions make sense Others leave you still scratching your head Perhaps what makes defining content marketing so difficult is its many facets. Content...

An Armchair Quarterback With Advice for Business Writing

Do you hate armchair quarterbacks? Or maybe you are one? This is one of those times when the armchair quarterback knows what he’s talking about. I guess hindsight really is a good thing. Read the SlideShare story of the armchair quarterback’s advice to...

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