5 Simple Ideas for Customer Connections During the Holidays

Are the holidays your busiest time for your business? Or is this the time of year where business slows as customers turn to their home life? Whichever description fits your business, keep your connection with customers. The following are simple ideas for better...

Guest Post: Customer Service Sins Served Here

When this posts I should have completed my 10th, 60-mile, 3-Day Walk for the Cure. My teammates and I have a spa day planned for this post date. Ah, bliss. Bliss is also my great writer friends who are as much of a tradition as my 3-Day Walks. They always come through...

Guest Post: Keeping Business Communication Simple

Anne Wayman knows the way to my heart. While I return to my beloved San Diego (and Anne’s home) for my 10th 60-mile, 3-Day Walk for the Cure, Anne offered a guest post. And her topic? Keeping business communication simple. See why I love Anne? I’ll thank...

Guest Post: Analytics for Communication

One of the best outcomes of my annual 3-Day Walk for the Cure is the great guest posts I receive from my writing chums. Sharon Hurley Hall is my long lost twin (in so many ways), but in one way, we are quite different. When I write Techie Tips, they are so basic they...

Annual Halloween Tribute to #1 Video Tip

Time to march out the annual short video with the #1 video tip to make your videos stand out from the crowd. Enjoy. #1 Video Tip   ==================== Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs....

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