Automation Mistakes: What Not to Say in Response

Automation is great. Except when it’s not. From the automated email with the wrong name to sending stimulus checks to the wrong account, mistakes happen. There’s a reason they call it artificial intelligence. How do you respond when a customer complains...

Making a Date With Your Business

Have you noticed how quickly the New Year champagne bubbles go flat? Kind of like your business plan. Resolutions begin sliding Life takes over (especially during a pandemic) And before you know it, the month is almost gone After a year like 2020, few could blame you...

5 Simple Mind-Mapping Tricks for Business Blog Posts

Are you stalled for blog post ideas? This recently revised video offers 5 simple mind-mapping tricks so you can produce blog magic. What do I mean by mind mapping? In this context, it’s a tool to help you through those blog post idea barriers. This mind-mapping...

3 Sweat-Free New Year Business Resolutions

Do you know what the top New Year resolution has been year after year? Yep, exercise more. It’s a great goal but then there’s the sweat. Maybe that’s why so many New Year resolutions fail – too much sweating involved. Even New Year business resolutions entail...

Creating a Better Professional Bio

Do you panic when you’re asked for a copy of your professional bio? You’re not alone. Maybe you’re not even sure what that is. The following is your guide to defining a professional bio and how you can create a better one. What is a Professional Bio?...

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