Creating a Better Professional Bio

Do you panic when you’re asked for a copy of your professional bio? You’re not alone. Maybe you’re not even sure what that is. The following is your guide to defining a professional bio and how you can create a better one. What is a Professional Bio?...

Your Litmus Test for Marketing Success

Don’t you love the evolution of words and phrases? Well, except maybe the acceptance of the word, irregardless. A litmus test uses a mixture to test for acidity or alkalinity. Didn’t know that? I bet Bill Nye, the Science Guy, does You may know litmus test...

Beyond 120 Transition Words and Phrases

A good transition is like a bridge that takes you from one side to the other. Without it, your readers may miss the connection. These tiny titans of clarity take on many roles in business writing. Transition words and phrases link ideas They clear the way for...

Social Media Filter-Algorithms or Something Worse?

Do you wonder how the heck certain emails get past the spam filter? Emails with blatant abuse. Right there in the headline. Yet somehow, they get through to your inbox while Aunt Mary’s latest email is sent to Junk Jail. Search engines and social media platforms...

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