Remember the Point of Your Business – Your Customers

Nothing like a global pandemic to change your perspective on your business and your customers. Have you lost business? Even long-time customers? Or, as they say in Shark Tank, did you pivot to ride out the pandemic tsunami? It is easy to panic but if you remember the...

What Went Write in Your 1st Quarter?

It’s time again for a check on What Went Write in your first quarter. After a year like 2020, who could blame you if you are still in a bit of a funk? So, I hope this annual reminder can help you feel you are doing something positive during a pandemic we just...

Writing LinkedIn Recommendations You Actually Like

Don’t you love inspiration? You never know where it is going to come from. Recently, I had such an epiphany about LinkedIn Recommendations. Now, stop groaning. Writing LinkedIn Recommendations is seldom on anyone’s favorite To Do list. I hope this post can...

Why Writing Checklists Work and Some Freebies for Download

Mary was a card-carrying Boomer who loved writing. But, along with her boomer status came a boomer brain. She’d miss the great memory she had if only she could remember she had one. Okay, so maybe this is sounding autobiographical. I am a Boomer who loves...

Quick Grammar Tips to Honor National Grammar Day

Grammar missteps take many forms. I sometimes take them to a new level. March 4th was National Grammar Day. The first time I learned that was in 2013 (when this post originally published). I was two days late sharing the event. After such a lousy year in 2020, I vowed...

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