Ghostwriter Trick or Treat in Time for Halloween

If you know me, you know I love Halloween. I wonder if that’s the reason I loved being a ghostwriter. I first published this post on October 29, 2012. The Halloween goblins prompted me to update it on the same day – eight years later. I decided to convert...

6 Story Endings with a Business Twist

Meet Joshua. He’s been practicing his business storytelling to snag the attention of his desired market. Joshua starts out strong, but then his story endings slowly chug toward the finish line. By the time the story ends, his audience mentally checked out or moved on....

5 Tips to Become Better at Storytelling in Business Writing

What do you picture when you think of good storytelling? J. K. Rowling’s magical Harry Potter series? Steven Speilberg’s terrifying interpretation of Jaws? Business writing in the 21st century? Okay, that last one is probably not on the top of your list. But it could...

11 Fall-Inspired Business Communication Ideas

Do you love the arrival of fall? Scorching temperatures drop. Halloween is around the corner (my favorite holiday). Trees explode with color. As a person who walks five to seven miles a day, I welcome autumn. Not only is it better walking weather, but the scenery is...

Make Customer Service Personal: 12 Simple Tips

Making customer service personal sounds simple enough. Isn’t that what it’s all about? But think back to your last customer service experience. Did you feel special? Or ignored? In 3 Second-Nature Marketing Traits That Bury the Competition, making it feel personal was...

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