Equality Leadership: A Unique Approach

Imagine an organization forming with a goal of extinction. What startup do you know that hopes one day to go away? Yet that is what Mission Equality would love to happen. To live in a world that has the kind of equality leadership that makes the unique services of...

Book Review: I’m Tired of Racism

Sharon Hurley Hall’s I’m Tired of Racism: True Stories of Existing While Black launches October 1, 2022. When Sharon asked if I wanted an advance copy for review, I jumped at the opportunity. I also pre-ordered the book. Sharon is one of my writing heroes....

Book Review: Business Writing With Heart

Business writing receives its fair share of hits. So awful Too boring Out of touch Lynn Gaertner-Johnston’s new book, Business Writing With Heart: How to Build Great Work Relationships One Message at a Time shares all that is good about professional business...

The Business Writing Book I Wish I Wrote

    There is a reason Lynn Gaertner-Johnston’s blog pops up in the #1 Google spot when you type business writing. She’s good. Lynn is the founder of Syntax Training It’s a company that offers business writing courses for managers and...

Book Review: Marketing 365

  I confess – Lori Widmer is an online writing buddy. That is the extent of my affiliation to Lori’s new e-book, Marketing 365: Daily Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business. Well that, and the fact that I bought it as soon as it hit the...

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