How to Make Old Fogey Business Marketing Hip

by | May 22, 2021

Do you view white papers and postcards as old fogey business marketing? I mean, seriously, didn’t the digital age roll right over those archaic forms of communication?

Maybe not. Like a kitchen stuck in the 80s, a renovation could be all you need to make “traditional” forms of marketing hip.

I know I showed how un-hip I am with that term.

What is Old Fogey Business Marketing?

The definition of old fogey business marketing depends on your perspective. Those of you who don’t see much value in methods used before the 21st century may categorize them in the following way.

  • As Okay, Boomer, out-of-touch marketing
  • The kind only old dudes and dudettes use
  • Or any type of marketing that is not online

But what if a simple tweak or two created another effective medium for your business communication? And what about the medium still works? Yes, there will be times it makes sense.

Business Marketing Questions

The following offers three considerations when planning business marketing or communications.


WHO is your audience?

Generally, your audience falls into one of two categories.

  1. Customers/employees you already have
  2. Those you hope to add

While your audience may share similar traits or interests, each has unique traits as well.

  • Demographics vary by age, gender, education, economic level, and home status (e.g., single, married, caregiver)
  • Geographic locations may influence individuals needs and interests
  • Lifestyle preferences may also alter what each individual values

WHAT is the best medium?

You will find various definitions of marketing mediums. For purposes of this post, I’ll categorize mediums in two ways – traditional (a.k.a. “old fogey”) and digital.

Traditional mediums include items such as:

  • Radio, television, telephone
  • Print, direct mail

Digital mediums would include email, online ads, search engine marketing, and social media platforms.

HOW should you market?

Your marketing is like a television. The TV is your medium, but you have multiple channels to choose from. The answer to what is the best channel for business marketing is the ever popular ~ it depends.

  • On who your audience is
  • What your message is
  • And budget constraints

Traditional Marketing Can Work

Let’s use a couple of examples (as show in the short video) to see how traditional business marketing could work.

White Papers

Bear with this old business writer as I share a bit of white paper background.

  • The term white paper originated in the government world of reports with color-coded distribution guides. White indicated the public had access to the report.
  • In the business-to-business (B2B) world, white papers are marketing tools that help the reader solve complex problems, typically through a product or service offered by the owner of the white paper.

Heather’s Problem

Heather’s healthcare clients have a tradition in white papers. Unfortunately, few moved beyond the dry (okay, boring) format of the old government white papers. Heather wanted to change that. The following are a few ideas to punch up those white papers.


EXAMPLE: Heather’s client is a healthcare management company. COVID-19 hit physician offices hard with decreased patient visits, compensation, and staffing challenges. The white paper helps guide the reader (physician offices) by keeping its purpose simple.

  1. PROBLEM – the administrative and financial impact of COVID on physician offices
  2. SOLUTION – partnering with Heather’s client to tap into their expertise and resources to develop a recovery strategy
  3. NEXT STEP – set up a no-cost consultation to discuss how Heather’s client can help

Heather knows the white paper cannot come off as an obvious sales pitch.

  • Research and statistics validate the COVID impact
  • Shared success stories of other physician offices helped by Heather’s client establishes credibility

The use of graphics help illustrate statistical information so the reader can quickly scan the content.


A financial impact survey revealed 81% of physicians surveyed reported revenue lower than pre-pandemic results. An average drop in revenue showed a 32% decrease. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed experienced a decrease between 25 and 49 percent. Fifteen percent of those surveyed had a decrease as high as 50 to 74 percent.



Rajul’s Problem

Rajul has a lot of experience in insurance. When he saw his grandmother struggling over the complicated Medicare system, Rajul wanted to help. He became upset by the idea that so many seniors were losing benefits because they didn’t understand how Medicare worked.

So, Rajul decided to specialize in helping seniors secure the best Medicare coverage for their situation. But he wasn’t sure what would be the best way to let more seniors know about his services.

What is old is new again

While many seniors are online, they also appreciate receiving mail. Perhaps it helps them feel not so isolated. But ask any Medicare agent how they market, and you will find many use direct mail and face-to-face meetings (prior to COVID).

Let me give you an example of direct mail that I felt worked well. Fortunately (?), I happen to be one of those card-carrying Medicare beneficiaries.


Why it worked

The following are reasons this direct mail approach worked (in my humble opinion).

  • It highlights a plan benefit the Medicare beneficiary may not know about
  • By sending through the mail (instead of an email), chances are more seniors will review it
  • It offers seniors multiple access points – a toll-free number, a dedicated website, Facebook and YouTube options

The best business marketing medium is the one that reaches your customers.

Other Hip-Checking Moves

How you market can have a tremendous influence on your business communication. For example, Heather’s client can repurpose the white paper for greater appeal.

  1. Distribute a paper format
  2. Offer an online download
  3. Use a reader-friendly ebook format
  4. Create a series of blog posts
  5. Develop a presentation or video version
  6. Share infographic of key points
  7. Format content into a sales sheet

There is a reason traditional marketing methods are still around. They work. But, like any good marketing, their effectiveness depends on your audience, its purpose, and your commitment to the process.

What are some of your favorite old fogey…uh…traditional marketing methods? Leave your thoughts in Comments.


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  1. Mitchell Allen

    Hi Cathy,

    There’s a lot of juice left in the “old” techniques. With all the hassle of online privacy compliance, the non-digital channels start to look more attractive.
    Apropos of nothing, I kept giggling every time I read “hip”. In the context of old fogies, the word conjured up titanium replacement joints. 🙂



    • Cathy Miller

      LOL! Very apropos, Mitch. 😀 I agree. The “old” techniques still have value. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Mitch.


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