How and Why Twitter Followers Latch On

by | Jun 25, 2010

ClingI am certainly no Twitter expert. I am slowly growing my followers, but I really wonder how some followers latch on and why they want to.

One such Twitter follower specializes in discussions on light bladder leakage, known in close circles as LBL.

The How

Now, I ask you, what about my Twitter profile invites LBL? Do my Tweets leak? Does the mention of my Baby Boomer status qualify me?

I know I didn’t tweet, blog or post about this particular problem. So, what is this – good target marketing or a privacy violation?

I know there are all kinds of offers out there to increase your Twitter followers. Google Twitter Followers and you get almost 215 million results. But, is this the way to go about it?

The Why

What made this even more humorous to me was that it followed on the heels of a post from fellow writer, Lori Widmer, over at Words On The Page. Lori wrote about selfish networkers she calls TWITS.

Lori pointed out that TWITS live beyond the Twitter world. They are basically people (or companies) that bombard your social media space, emails, et al, with messages and never offer anything in return – unless you consider their service or product the end all, be all.

That has me asking, “Why?” What do they hope to gain? Why would I want to promote their business? Even if they have a great product or service, I am so annoyed by the approach, I would never recommend them.

Keep it Simple, Clear & Uniquely Yours

My message has always been to keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours.

These followers have the “uniquely yours” part, maybe even “simple” – since they retweet the same message over and over and over. But, it is not at all “clear” to me how and why they do what they do.

If you were looking for answers here, sorry I don’t have any. I simply don’t understand how or why the creators of this strategy think it will work.  If you do, please share.

iStock Photo: Thomas Vogel


  1. Lori

    Thanks for the link love, Cathy!

    I think they hope to cash in on percentages. The more people seeing the message, the better likelihood someone will buy. But think about how much better their message would be received if they tried to build relationships with their customer prospects – oh, what a concept! LOL

  2. Cathy

    My pleasure, Lori!

    Hmm…like throwing a bunch of mud (G-rating) at a wall and hoping some of it will stick. Thanks for stopping by, Lori.


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