12 Days of Business Blog Post Ideas

by | Dec 10, 2012

Business blog post topics are as popular as receiving holiday gifts.

Well, almost.

Using the holiday season, let’s put a new twist on an old theme – the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Lyrical Lessons

  • Do you remember the lyrics?
  • How about all those gifts?

Don’t worry. I have a list right here – and a few business blog topics, too.

Consider it a holiday bonus.

A partridge in a pear tree

Wondering how the heck you twist that into a post idea?

  • Have you ever found something unexpected in your business? Topic idea right there.
  • Has the fruit of your labor produced an added bonus? Blog about it. How did it come about?
  • Have you ever received a business gift you didn’t know what to do with? What did you do?

2 turtle doves

I wonder if turtle doves play nice with a partridge.

  • Think about business partnership that paired two unlikely sources. What conflicts did you encounter? How did you resolve them?
  • Did the partnership click from the beginning? What strengths did each partner bring? How did they complement one another?

3 French hens

We’re getting a flock of birds here.

  • Blog about a networking event where you felt like the odd man out
  • Write a blog post about your first venture internationally (French – get it? So my mind works in weird ways)
  • Write about a presentation you gave to a very diverse audience. What challenges were there? How did you overcome them?

4 Calling birds

What? More birds?  Stop with the birds.

  • Have you had a run on products and run out? Blog about the experience. How did you respond?
  • What if you have too much stock? Analyze why you are overstocked and write about it. Not enough marketing? A product idea that missed the mark?
  • Is your market crowded with a bunch of newcomers? What new perspective do they bring? Is there a mentoring or training opportunity for you?

 5 Golden rings

Now we’re talking – some bling.

  • Blog about a customer service experience that really shined (yours or another business’)
  • When did you know you struck it rich (literally or metaphorically)? Share your journey in a blog post
  • Have you ever felt sticker shock over the price of a product or service (hopefully, not yours, but hey – blog about it)

6 Geese a laying

Attract one bird and others follow.

  • How have you attracted more readers to your business blog?
  • What lessons did you learn from laying a big goose egg with a product launch?
  • A blog post? Another business idea?

7 Swans a swimming

We’re swimming in the birds now. Cleanup is going to be a mess.

  • Are you swimming with ideas? How do you create new ones?
  • How do you handle when you’re left swimming in too much stock? What has been your most innovative sales strategy?
  • How have you cleaned up a mess from business strategy gone foul (or fowl – sorry, couldn’t resist)

8 Maids a milking

Finally, a human touch here.

  • When did you know you had to outsource? Blog about the experience.
  • What business tasks would benefit from a more organized approach? Write about steps you’ve taken to improve productivity.
  • Do you feel like you’ve squeezed everything you can from a product or service? What can you do to get new ideas flowing?

9 Ladies dancing

Girl power – bring it on.

  • Blog about a successful launch that left you dancing
  • Have you ever felt like you were tap-dancing around an issue? How did you finally face it?
  • What tactics did you use to take action?

10 Lords a leaping

It’s about time we got the gents in here.

  • Blog about the last time you took a big leap of faith. How did it work out?
  • What do you do to keep your staff happy?
  • Write about the experience of leaping from one project to another and keeping everything on track.

11 Pipers piping

Ah, music to drown out the squawking birds.

  • What’s your pipe dream? Share your dream on your business blog.
  • Have you followed a pied piper to a bad idea? When did you know you’d been led astray?
  • Describe a project that came together in perfect harmony.

12 Drummers drumming

The bird squawking must be getting really loud.

  • How do you drum up new customers? Share some of your marketing strategy.
  • Do you dance to the beat of your own drum? How so? What makes your business unique?
  • Have you beat a business idea to death? Is it time to let it go? Blog about what you did to let it go or to get it to play a new tune.

Holiday Leftovers

This list ought to last you longer than 12 days and move right into the new year.

What holiday gift ideas do you have for your business blog?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo Credit


  1. Martha Giffen

    Bravo!! That was one creative post! Am sharing like crazy. I will admit too, that on the bird one, I sorta expected something about how to play “angry birds” at the office! LOL

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Martha. For the longest time, I did not even know what angry birds was. 😀 I finally looked it up because I was sick of seeing it everywhere and being ignorant about what it was. Can you tell I am not a video gamer? 🙂

      But, I love the whole idea of angry birds. Think of the post possibilities. 🙂

    • Cathy

      Fodder – is that another kind of bird, Sharon? 😀

  2. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. @Cerebrations.biz

    Having gone through that list, Cathy, I have thought of a bunch of very sick ideas- that would never be able to make it to my blog. Maybe I’ll post them on yours, instead?
    Thanks for the wonderful holiday cheer. (You inspired my laughter for at least ten minutes, today!)

    • Cathy

      LOL, Roy! Pardon me if I don’t ask you to expand on those ideas. 😀

      I am always happy to hear I brought a smile. Laughter is the icing on the cake! 🙂 Happy holidays, Roy, and thanks for your support throughout the year!

  3. Anne Wayman

    Love the way your mind works, Cathy. Do a post sometime on how you dream these up, would you?

    • Cathy

      Why, thank you, Anne, I would be happy to. Are you sure you want to look that deeply into how my mind works? Ha! 😀

  4. Paula Hendrickson

    Love it, Cathy! Fun and informative, just like you.

    And I’ve always wondered who thought giving someone 23 birds was a good idea.

    • Cathy

      Not something I’d want to find under my tree, Paula. 😀

  5. Jacko

    You’re right Cathy sometimes you gotta know when to fold em. Why hold on to what is not even there. Keep it moving go on the next one.

    PS. A partridge and a pear tree count as two gifts.

    • Cathy

      Hmm, I guess that’s why they call it a partridge IN a pear tree. 😀 Another blog post – two for the price of one! 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by, Jacko.

  6. David Leonhardt

    You noticed that, too, about the humans. All birds until you hit 8 (except for the five golden rings), then suddenly humans. A very strange song.

    • Cathy

      At least very strange gifts, huh, David? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by – we need more humans around here. 😀


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