Tying A Noose on Newsletter Subscriptions

by | Oct 4, 2010

You find a blog you really like, so you sign up for their newsletter.

Next thing you know, your Inbox is jammed with newsletters you delete every month without reading.

Are newsletters still a good marketing strategy?

Opt In Remorse

I guess the answer to that question is “yes” because we keep getting suckered into them.

Lately. however, I’ve noticed several people bemoaning the number of subscriptions they have.

Yet, the prevailing wisdom is that a newsletter is a must, for various reasons.

  • Newsletters drive traffic to your site
  • Newsletters build a list of subscribers for marketing
  • Newsletters showcase your expertise

Then why the complaints? Is it due to uninteresting content or are we simply overwhelmed?

Count me among those who want to get off the bus.

News Flash – Opt Out

Most newsletters have an “Unsubscribe” option.

Isn’t it funny how many of just hit “delete,” rather than go through the extra steps to unsubscribe?

Typically, it takes something like a few days away from email that propels us to action. We open our email to find our newsletter subscriptions fighting for supremacy.

Stop the madness!

I made the decision that I am going to go through my subscriptions and whack away.

Join me in this fight against Newsletter Noise.

Tie a noose around the nattering nuisance of numerous newsletters. Take back your Inbox and your sanity.

Are you ready to join the revolution?

Show your support by clicking on one of the options below.

  • You do not need to give me your name, email address or first-born
  • Your click will not take you to a sign-up sheet or trap you in a database vortex

Take this first step and then go attack those subscriptions.

If you’re like me, you’ll feel free – free at last.

[polldaddy poll=3863701]

If you would like to share your view, please do so in comments.

i-Stock Photo Credit Noose

i-Stock Photo Credit Laptop


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  1. Kim Lemon


  2. Cathy

    My 1st convert! 🙂

    Thanks, Kim.

  3. Michelle Shaeffer

    I’ve got some I love receiving and look forward to every month. But about every two weeks I go on an unsubscribing streak from the rest and it’s amazing how much more peaceful my inbox becomes. 🙂

  4. Cathy

    You are a better woman than I am, Michelle! 🙂 I wish I was so organized to do it every 2 weeks. My New Year’s Resolution-a bit early. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, Michelle.

  5. Angie - The Work at Home Wife

    I just finished a post for next week about this. One person in particular I have followed for years and has now jumped on the daily “buy this” bus. So sad…

  6. Cathy

    I know what you mean, Angie. Some start out helpful, then move to hard sell. Let me know when you post about this.

    And, by the way-for next week? I’m impressed you are so organized to be that ahead on posts! 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by and sharing your view.


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