Simply Stated Business is an old site by some standards. Not anywhere near Old Lady status (like its owner). But older than I imagined it would become when I started.
So, the old site was due for a facelift. The video below highlights some of the changes. If you’re not into viewing a seven-minute video, I summarized changes in the text following the video.
How the Old Site Changed
When I started this blog, it was at the beginning of my freelance business writing career. It was a place for me to share my writing style and portfolio.
Right before the pandemic started, I decided to semi-retire from business writing for clients. Although I still do some because I love it. The focus of Simply Stated Business (SSB) changed to a platform promoting better business communication – both verbal and written.
SSB now offers a Triple Treat for better business communication.
Triple Treat for Business Communication
Because my brain often thinks three, I categorized what SSB offers in three ways.
1. Tips
The Tips reference is another way to point you to the hundreds of blog posts at this site. This site believes business communication takes many shapes. From a simple elevator pitch to volumes of the written word.
- So, there are posts for verbal and written business communication.
- Additionally, there are posts on working with clients, customers, coworkers, vendors, and others who are of the human persuasion.
- Sprinkled throughout are marketing tools focused on communication, as well as social media, and VERY basic techie tips.
2. Tools
The Tools area has tons (perhaps a slight exaggeration) of FREE STUFF you can view, download, make paper airplanes, or whatever. And, of course, I had to create three categories for the FREE STUFF.
- Business Writing contains “cheat” sheets, checklists, word lists, word alternatives, grammar guffaws, and more.
- Marketing Tools shares downloads and videos intended to help you with your marketing efforts. The plan is to add to these tools. I know I have more lurking about, but I wanted to get this site live. It only took two years. 😊
- Business Relationships tools focus on the many business relationships you form (like those listed in the 2nd bullet under Tips). Currently, you can download free ebooks or view videos. More to come!
3. Templates
As I mentioned in the above video, I love to use templates for graphic design. They provide a place to start where I can tweak and make my own. That’s the idea behind these templates.
In this section, you’ll find free downloads for templates for your business planning, process, and evaluation. Look around and see if any work for you. Then make it your own. After all, we are each unique.
Throughout the site, you will find links to a free ebook for A to Z business communication tips. For those of you familiar with this site, the ebook pulls tips from the blog post series created in 2015 and updated in2022.
Same Old Site with Nips and Tucks

SSB still has an About SSB page, but it’s received a facelift, too. Well, except for my photo. That’s pre-haircut. My plan was to get a new professional headshot. Then the pandemic hit. It’s on my To Do list.
The revised Policies page depicts all the crazy changes since I started freelancing. It’s focused on privacy and is still a work in progress. I’ll add back my Comments and other policies sometime down the road.
Finally, the Contact SSB page is where you can send your requests, questions, and feedback. Despite my video plea, I have already received requests for guest posts and services totally unrelated to my business. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
So, that’s it. For now. I would love to hear what you think.
- Share your thoughts in Comments.
- Or use the Contact SSB form.
- I’ve contacted technical support for some issues and expect that will be ongoing.
Thank you for stopping by.
Helping you keep your business communication simple, clear, and uniquely yours.
I must be one of your ancient subscribers, Cathy and I love the new look of your website. Congratulations!
And I am very grateful that you are, Vatsala! Although I would not use the term, ancient. 😀 Was it a blog posting challenge when we first met (30-day challenge or something like that)? Thanks for sticking around all these years. I so appreciate it.
I think we ‘met’ via Twitter and I started following your posts, Cathy. I still remember your post on Business Communication Stumbles. It’s still relevant.
Well, that’s good to hear, Vatsala. Staying relevant at my age is something. LOL. 😀