Spammy Guest Post Requests Have Mellow Blog Owners Screaming

by | Feb 20, 2013

bigstock-Close-up-of-an-upset-blonde-wo-22166696There is a rampant plague making cynics of even the mellowest of blog owners.

Spammy guest post requests.

Yet, still our in-boxes explode, leaving blog owners screaming in despair.

It’s enough to make Pollyanna cry.

Policy Change

In a move that is probably spitting in the wind, I’ve revised this site’s Guest Post Policy.

The following language was inserted.

Please note:

This site seldom accepts guest posts from individuals or firms that are unknown to the owner.

Direct knowledge or relationships established though social networking or participation in theย Simply stated businessย community are the primary source of guest posts for this blog.

I know fellow blog owners feel the same way.

  • We welcome guest posts
  • Who doesn’t like a little help now and then?
  • But, when you’re burned over and over again – you wise up

The best analogy I can come up with is one I used (ironically) in a guest post at All Freelance Writing – The Two Sides of the Guest Post Story.

“…our blog is our home. We want to know who you are before we open the door to a guest post.”

  • Follow this blog – don’t just say you do
  • Join in the conversation
  • Connect through social media

Then read the Guest Post Policy.

I’d love to hear your ideas. It wasn’t that long ago that I was brand new to this blogging game.

I know how hard it is to be heard.

I love to help fellow professionals. Heck, I still write paper thank-yous.

It has gotten to the point where I ignore the spammy guest post requests. And for someone with old school etiquette, that is very sad.

Have you felt compelled to change your guest post policy? Please share in Comments.

We can commiserate and maybe exchange guest posts.


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours โ€“ contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo Credit


  1. Sharon Hurley Hall

    I’m with you there, Cathy, in starting to ignore the requests, but it doesn’t feel right. The trouble is that there are too many for me to continue responding. Mind if I ‘borrow’ your wording? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Cathy

      Hi Sharon: I don’t mind at all. I feel the same way about ignoring the requests. It doesn’t feel right, but I’d be spending too much time on replying. And I’m sure I get nowhere near the volume you do.

      I doubt that the revised language will turn down the volume, but at least it eases my conscience from not replying to the spammier requests. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks, Sharon.

  2. Emily Suess

    Oh, Cathy. It’s good to know I’m not alone on this one. My frustration is way up over people wanting to post on my blog about their alternative health remedies or diet supplements. I could handle the unsolicited requests if they at least TRIED to be relevant to the content of my blog. I also frequently get requests from spammers who forget to fillin the blanks of their MadLib style spams. For example: “I am a frequent reader of your blog. I really enjoyed your latest post about and have an idea for a guest post.”



    • Cathy

      Isn’t that funny, Emily. I think I received the exact same request – over and over and over again. ๐Ÿ˜€

      Like many good things, there will always be those who abuse it. Ever since guest blogging became the visibility strategy dujour, we have had to deal with the fallout.

      I love a good guest post. But, like you said, Emily, couldn’t you at least try to learn about the blog’s theme? Thanks for sharing your view, Emily.

  3. John Soares

    I hear you Cathy. I get far too many generic and nonspecific guest post requests; some get booted to my spam folder.

    I only rarely run guest posts, and they are by invitation only.

    • Cathy

      Your blog is your reputation so why wouldn’t you protect that, John? Like I said in the post, I am still a relative newbie to blogging and would love to give other newbies the opportunity, but go about it in a way that suggests you really do care about the blog owner.

      Thank you for stopping by, John.

  4. Devon Ellington

    I’m sick of getting spam asking for guest posts to email addresses that have nothing to do with the blog.

    I’m seriously thinking of setting up an address just for guest post requests and checking it once a week. Those that are inappropriate will be told so — for crying out loud, I run writing blogs, I am not going to pay you for a guest post about auto parts unless you find a way to tie it in as a writing inspiration. Do a little research.

    Those that are appropriate will be booked.

    Those who contact my personal email when I specifically say not to will be banned.

    • Cathy

      Hi Devon: Recently, I added a contact page so most of the requests are coming through there now, which is far better than my work email address. I am glad I set if up, even if the intent was not to house spammy guest post requests, it is a nice alternative.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Devon.

  5. Anne Wayman

    I’ve been thinking of changing policies and then I wonder why bother since the spammers never read them anyway. I’m discarding more and more with no response. Fortunately my delete key is pretty fast.

    • Cathy

      I hear you, Anne. My change in language is probably more to ease my own conscience of not replying. At least now I can say I told them so in my policy. ๐Ÿ™‚

      What can I say? Good manners was instilled in me as a child. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Roberta Budvietas

    Just a thought Cathy – would people submit the requests if your blog was doing poorly or do some people really fail to understand what guest blogging is about? Blogging is a promotional tool. It needs to talk to people who are interested. You need to figure out if your guest post fits. And it also means that you want to post on popular well connected blogs otherwise it is truly “JUNK MAIL” You know what I mean the stuff that nearly everyone throws out

    • Cathy

      Hi Roberta: I agree that guest blogging is a great promotional tool; however, few people want to feel used in a promotion where it’s all about the interests of the guest blogger.

      They can write a perfectly fine post for your blog, but if they don’t respond to comments, they never show their gravatar again in Comments or social networking, how inclined are you going to be in inviting them back?

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Roberta.

    • Cathy

      One problem with that, Darnell. I don’t do affiliate offerings on my business writing site. I have absolutely nothing against affiliations, but for this site, I choose not to go that route.

      And that’s what gets me about these requests. Before you (not you, Darnell, but the euphemistic “you”), pitch me with such a request, find out what my blog’s about.

      Like I said, Darnell, nothing wrong with affiliate offers – unless it’s pitched to a sie that doesn’t offer them. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for sharing your perspective, Darnell.

  7. Luana Spinetti |

    When I get that kind of requests for my freelance blogs, I respond this: “Unfortunately your idea does not suit my {niche} blog, but it could be a good match for my {other niche} blog instead. Would that be a good deal for you? In any case, we can work together to come up with a post idea that would go well with this blog. Let’s collaborate. :-)”

    Usually non-serious guest writers won’t even respond to this offer.

    In any case, I will edit the posts if they are poor in grammar and style (and will let the writer know about that).

    ~ Luana

    • Cathy

      I started out by answering everyone, Luana. I figured it could be someone who was new and didn’t know how to go about it. Then I found (unfortunately) that many were just spammy requests and it didn’t matter if you answered or not. They were only interested in getting links and could care less about your blog.

      I hate that I am more suspicious than accepting of requests now. Thanks for sharing a gentler side to these requests, Luana. ๐Ÿ™‚


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