Do you think all your ideas are brilliant? You KNOW your latest blog post will be the first of its kind. Then you Google your idea.
Several years ago, I was in a similar situation. The calendar showed May 4th was coming. I thought of an absolutely genius idea for a headline.
May the 4th Be With You
Fortunately, I thought to Google that phrase. Today, that phrase produced 8,210,000 results. Who’s clever now?
No New Ideas?
The lack of ideas for posts is a common dilemma for bloggers. Writers experience writer’s block.
- But have we run out of ideas?
- Allow me to offer some evidence that it may be true.
- Then, I’ll share tips for what you can do to keep your communication fresh and unique.

The Nightly News
Because I am an aging boomer, I remember the nightly news in another format. For those of you old enough to remember him, can you picture Walter Cronkite reporting on the end of Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West?
Now, there’s breaking news for you. There wasn’t one more newsworthy idea out there? Has the news run out of ideas, too?
The Wide World of Sports
The world of sports has grown to a point where one network’s coverage was not enough. In fact, a whole dynasty, ESPN, developed as a result.
If there is a need for so much sports coverage, why does SportsCenter show us the exact same show in back-to-back airings? Surely, the producers could come up with one unique idea for the hour-long shows.
The Sequel Again and Again
It happens in movies. A movie is a blockbuster and before the popcorn stops popping, a sequel is in the works.
A sequel may be a great idea. But then again, maybe not. Rotten Tomatoes produced its own Heinz 57 of worst sequels. In TV land, a sequel turns into a spin-off or a new variation on an old theme. But how much variety is there?
Once upon a time, someone had an idea to gather 12 or so contestants and present them with challenges week after week. One by one, a contestant would be eliminated until one winner is left standing. Sound familiar?
- Survivor
- The Bachelor
- The Bachelorette
- Project Runway
- and on and on and on
Spinning Old Ideas into Something Unique
Wait. Maybe we have run out of ideas. But the entrepreneurs of the world keep coming up with something new – something better. So, picture yourself as an idea entrepreneur.
Pull out previous business communication. Now, freshen it up. Try one of the three ways illustrated below.

1. Look for a different spin.
Spinning the phrase May the 4th Be With You as an example of running out of ideas is different. Although I admit I did not research how different. However, I’ll offer other examples of spinning something new.
Writers use the trick of taking an old story idea and putting it in a new genre. For example, a romance becomes the story behind a murder mystery. In business, instead of the typical white paper genre, introduce a new product in a video production.
Interview someone with a unique perspective. Instead of the visionary CEO of a startup, interview the middle-person product manager. Or talk to yourself (like I did here).
2. Discover a new audience.
May the 4th Be With You is a spin on a repeated line in the Star Wars series. Did you know the original film that started it all was released in 1977? It was the first movie I went to by myself. A big moment in this lady’s independence. 🙂
Yet here we are today with an audience made up of many who were not even born back then. Now, that’s what I call discovering a new audience! So, how can you find a new audience for your business? Below are a few examples.
Think of who your target market does business with. For example, if you target hospital executives, would insurers, suppliers, medical groups benefit from your products? Or can your products be tweaked to accommodate those groups?
Examine who provides the same service. So, let’s say your product helps businesses create content for their business site. Consider independent contractors who provide content writing. Would they benefit from your product?
You can learn a lot from your existing audience. Take advantage of that knowledge.
3. Make the idea better.
Shark Tank is the poster child for making ideas better. Sure, some are laughable, like the Ionic Ear. But many of the most successful spring from the goal of making the old way of doing things better.
So, when you’re reviewing old business communication, check out what went wrong, even more than what went right.
- Did you hit the right platforms for promotion?
- Was the audience the best choice?
- Does customer feedback contain gems for improvement?
What can you do better?
Let’s Hear Your New Ideas

How do you breathe life into old ideas? Share your tips and thoughts in Comments.
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Note: This post originally published on July 26, 2010. This May 4, 2023 version updates it.
Helping you keep your business communication simple, clear, and uniquely yours.
I blame it on the cable TV explosion. Remember the days of only 3 network channels?
So that’s the culprit. I’d tell you, of course, I remember 3 network channels, but being a baby boomer, my memory isn’t what it used to be.
Thanks for stopping by, Kim, and taking me down memory lane. 🙂
Cathy, I’m really glad I stumbled onto your blog. We seems to have interests in common.
I have a slightly different take about TV shows and movies, namely, that the media is giving people exactly what they want. Reality TV is inexpensive to produce and makes a lot of money. Not many people are bothered by the despicable aspects of such shows, and the ones who are (like me) don’t watch anyway. And that’s good because I save a lot of time that way.
Hi Madeline:
I am glad you stumbled this way as well. 🙂
I fear you are right about the TV shows. It pains me to think that “reality” tv is what people want.
I am proud to say I have never watched reality TV-the Survivor-Bachelor-type. I confess I watch Project Runway, not for the drama, but I have always loved creativity in all forms.
Your blog title is intriguing and it does seem we have a lot in common. I’ll have to drop on over.
Thank you again for stopping by and sharing your view.