Do You Hate Technology Changes?

by | Sep 16, 2010

Technology is amazing. In a previous post, I asked if we are spoiled by its results.

A family member shared this funny video that gives a different perspective on technology.

Light Speed

It is overwhelming just trying to keep up with the changes in technology. The comedian brought up a good point. We take technology for granted.

We also do not like change.

Recently, Twitter announced the New Twitter. The reports are already out that The New Twitter is an Attack on All Desktop Apps. The reviews are also out and there are requests for your review.

“I, for one, can’t stand change.”

Melissa Bell, Washington Post blogPost – On her post regarding new Twitter design

The new design has not hit everyone’s Twitter Home page yet. The feedback is sure to be as prolonged as the rollout of the new design. I am sure Melissa is not alone in her sentiment about change.

What You Think We Want

Twitter is certainly not the only social media platform undergoing change. It is the nature of the beast. It’s a race to see who can create it faster, better, and different.

Facebook is a master of change. LinkedIn® recently made significant changes. My biggest criticism of the changes is the lack of communication with customers.

Despite complaints, social media innovators move forward with change. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Perhaps the Technology Titans fear becoming a victim of the Encyclopedia of Business Clichés, initiated by Seth Godin, in which he writes the use of clichés help us hide and avoid confrontation and change.

But, here is one of my favorite Seth Godinism.

“Communication is about getting others to adopt your point of view, to help them understand why you’re excited…”

Seth Godin’s Blog

Most of us cannot do what the creators of technology do. That doesn’t mean we do not want to be involved in the process. Help us adopt your point of view. Explain why the change excites you.

Communicate – we just might give you a new idea.

What do you think about changes in technology?


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  1. Danielle

    Personally, I’m a change advocate. I love it. Change leads to better things – just not usually as fast as we would like it. When Facebook makes changes I’m always irked that I don’t get them first. Still trying to get onto their beta-testing team! I think that many find change difficult because we don’t know how to use it and it takes time to work out the kinks but once they are worked out they are almost always for the better. IMO anyway!

  2. Cathy

    Hi Danielle:

    It’s not the change I object to. Like you, I love change and new ideas. It’s the lack of communication I object to and rather than delivering options, we’re all stuck with the same thing.

    But, it is no wonder the lack of communication bugs me. Look what I do for a living. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, Danielle, and sharing your opinion.


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