Blog Post Ideas From the 3-Day Walk

by | Nov 23, 2011


Blog post ideas are always popular.

Since we are always looking for inspiration, why not select our blog post ideas from something truly inspiring – the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure.

  • I just completed my 8th 3-Day, 60 mile Walk for the Cure
  • The San Diego event raised $9.2 million for breast cancer research and community programs

So, let’s see how many business blog post ideas we can come up with from that theme.

Inspiring Ideas

  1. What inspires you about your business? Share that with your readers.
  2. What person do you find inspiring/motivating? Describe why.
  3. What inspires you about a post to leave a comment? Ask readers for their input.
  4. Ask an author what their inspiration was for a book. Write about it in a book review.
  5. What quotes inspire you? Share those.
  6. Who in history inspired you? What would you tell them if you could?
  7. What music inspires you? Ask readers for their favorite inspiring tunes.
  8. What personal cause/charity inspires you? How did you get involved?
  9. What location or vacation spot inspires you most?
  10. What was your craziest inspiration for a post? Revisit it and ask bloggers for theirs.

Walk This Way

  1. What features about a blog/webpage has you walking away quickly?
  2. Describe the last time you slowed down to take a casual walk through nature.
  3. Share what it’s like to walk a mile in your shoes.
  4. Walk your readers through something technical.
  5. In a sea of walkers (literal or figurative), do you lead or follow?
  6. How do you juggle everything while walking forward?
  7. Do you walk a planned path or do you take detours?
  8. Do you get up and walk around at work enough? Describe the challenges of regular exercise.
  9. Would you rather walk or run? Can be metaphorical or literal.
  10. Where do your favorite walks take you?

Miles Before We Go

  1. Describe a favorite trip and how you got there.
  2. Are your dreams miles away or are they close to reality?
  3. Look back at the miles you’ve traveled. What have you learned?
  4. Think miles versus kilometers. Share a funny story about using a system foreign to your own or other language-induced stories.
  5. Have you ever wished you’d taken a shortcut with a project? If so, why.
  6. Describe a journey (literal or metaphorical) where the miles flew by.
  7. What journey felt like miles, but was really much less?
  8. Describe your ideas or product development in terms of miles with descriptions of road blocks, times you were on cruise control or stopped in traffic.
  9. If you could walk a mile through time, who would you meet? Who would you ask to come along?
  10. Do you prefer your miles to be flat, or hilly or somewhere in between? How would you describe the terrain of the path to your business goals?

That is probably enough for Day One of our journey. Now repeat for Day Two and Three.

Thinking of the 3-Day Walk, we didn’t even touch on –

  • The strength of teams
  • Blisters, shin splints and strains – oh my
  • Rain, sunshine and rainbows
  • Community support and cheering fans
  • Fundraising – the highs and lows

The ideas are endless. The event is beyond inspiring.

Thank you for taking the journey with me.

What inspires you?


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  1. David @ writers blog

    I guess we know what blog posts to expect from you over the next couple months. It sounds like you enjoyed the walk.

  2. Cathy

    Hi David: I’ll try to keep them to my personal blog, but somehow the inspiration keeps coming into all phases of my life. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by, David.

  3. Anne Wayman

    Love the pix – and just thought… 60 * 8 = 480 miles! Way to go!

    Great List too

  4. Cathy

    Thanks, Anne, but don’t forget the training miles. 🙂 I used to keep track of those, too, but gave up after a while. Maybe I can’t count that high. 😀

  5. Nicky Parry

    Oh a great list! Only Cathy Miller would be walking 60 miles while compiling a list of writing topics!

  6. Cathy

    LOL, Nicky – a hazard of the business, I guess. I get most of my ideas while walking so I had a loooot of time to think about it. 🙂

  7. Kat

    Great ideas & inspiration, thanks Cathy 🙂

    Now…to write them!

  8. Cathy

    Thanks, Kat. Ah, yes, writing them is the next challenge 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Kat.


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