Do you feel like the Shoulder Satan has taken over social media? Admit it. Each of us has one. That little Satan sitting on your shoulder, offering sarcastic social media shots.
- Your fingers scream with the urge to launch those mocking missiles.
- Come on – just one.
- What can it hurt?
If you’re lucky, the shoulder angel intercepts.
The Shoulder Satan Excuse: The Devil Made Me Do It
Shoulder Satan is the source of sarcasm and snarky responses. It makes you say things the angel never would. At times, Satan rips away any filter a polite, gentler society follows.
But lately, Shoulder Satan is perfecting the role of bully on social media. Bullies attack people they know as well as people they have never met. Bullies and internet trolls deserve all theย vitriolย we can throw at them. But do you really want to go to war with either?
Besides, this post is not for them. They won’t listen anyway.
This post is for you and me. For those vulnerable moments when Shoulder Satan screams in our ear, urging us to respond with our best Satan shot. Ask yourself the following three questions.
#1 – Will this help?
For anyone who did go to war against a troll, did you discover the sick joy they gained from your response? Bet that made you even angrier. Ignoring or dismissing trolls sucks the joy right out of their miserable little lives.
On the other hand, standing up against injustice may open the eyes of some of those following the post.
“…without anger, the victims would shrug and continue to endure injustice.”
Why Being Angry Is Okay (and Even Helpful), Psychology Today
# 2 – Can a softer response be as effective?
Maybe that’s where the phrase, Kill ’em with kindness, came from. ๐ When I think of this question, I picture Pete Buttigege.
The U.S. Secretary of Transportation is an expert at the softer response to outrageous statements. His tone may be calm, but his words shoot down any Shoulder Satan missile.
#3 – Do I really want this to live on into infinity?
I have always found it puzzling why anyone would want to run for public office. We have all said or done things in life that we’d rather forget. But if you’re running for office, sooner or later someone will find what you don’t want found. Especially today.
Shoulder Satan shots never die.
Strangling the Shoulder Satan
I get it. Sometimes, reining in your snark can be tough. The recipient so deserves it. But if you know in your gut it’s risky, try using one (or more) of the following 7 Social Media Strategies for Strangling the Shoulder Satan.

#1 – Picture your mother.
Nothing strangles a shoulder Satan better than picturing your mother as you shoot off those shots.
- If visions of your mother doesn’t do it, picture some other person you admire.
- Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King.
#2 – Visualize your next client (or employer).
Here’s the twist.
- The recipient of that Satan shot IS your next client or employer.
- Effective, huh?
#3 – Imagine you’re taken seriously.
Sarcasm is a slippery slope.
- Sarcasm easily slips from subtle to mean.
- It can back-fire on the sender, lending support to the target.
- Your meaning is often the opposite of what you say.
Imagine if you are taken seriously.
Need an example? Try telling an airport security person you are hiding a bomb in your shorts.
At least with verbal sarcasm, you have the benefit of voice inflection.
Social media sarcasm masks a shared smile.
#4 – Remember when you were new to social media.
I remember when I wrote what I thought was the most creative, innovative post – only to find it wasn’t new. Are new ideas ever really new?
But it was new to me. Imagine how it feels when someone posts –
Nothing new here. We’ve heard it 10,000 times before.
A Satan shot is devastating to someone new to social media.
- Maybe you did read the same post topic 10,000 times before.
- It doesn’t mean it’s not new to someone else.
# 5 – Picture yourself as the target.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, Satan shots hurt. Put yourself in the shoes of the target and see how you like it.
Roll in the golden rule.
#6 – Think of the energy it takes.
Maybe it’s a getting older thing.
I find I do not have the energy to get into social media Star Wars. And you know that’s what you’re going to get with your Satan shot.
#7 – Think of how you want to be remembered.
- Do you really want to make your mark at the expense of someone else?
- What’s wrong with being nice?
Some would call that professionalism.
Oops – I think some Satan sarcasm just slinked into that last comment. ยฏ\_(ใ)_/ยฏ
How do you control the Shoulder Satan? Or do you? Share your thoughts in Comments.
Note: This August 15, 2024 post updates the original post published January 18, 2012.
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or imagine your tweet or whatever on the front page of the New York Times… way back at 300 baud on the well that’s what they taught us – nothing online you aren’t willing to see everywhere.
nice post (ducking for cover)
Oh, LOVE that one, Anne! And I’ll take a nice post from you, Anne. At least you didn’t call me Shirley. ๐
You mean people can write mean stuff? It never ever occurred to me to do that. I hope and pray that people will be nice to me, so why would I even think of saying something mean to some one? And no, I’m not being sarcastic. I’m shocked. There are times when I want to teach someone how to do something better, but I usually just leave quietly because my sister says she quits listening to me as soon as I start doing that. If my ever loving sister turns me out, what would a poor stranger do if I started making suggestions on how to make something better. Now if I am asked or if I am trying to teach clients how to improve their social media, then I tell them what I think. Is that being mean? I hope not.
Hi Ann: I’m glad you have not experienced the nasty side of social media. I’ve been fortunate that I haven’t been a target, but I sure have seen some nasty things in places where you really don’t expect it – like some LinkedIn Group discussions.
Like my Comments policy says – disagree all you want – just be nice about it.
Thanks for stopping by, Ann.
I have experienced both sides. And, to be honest, most of the vitriol comes because folks don’t seem to separate the person from the material said. I have a “friend” who routinely sends me materials. The materials have NO BASIS in fact. But, they state things that resound with his opinion. I have decided to not respond to most of these items, unless I see them being spread around. And, to insure that others do not consider these as facts, someone must provide a reality based comment.
And, I do admit that I find certain nomenclature very problematic. Mostly because some creative person long ago associated left with sinister (don’t give me the Latin- it would not have become thus so without the prejudice)- and I have a real problem with right wingers not being denoted as wrong wingers. I could go on with other nomenclature- but I assure you they would offend most people. (And, why is it that those who believe Jesus is their Savior let folks use “Christian” as a club- one to beat down all those that don’t agree with their political (yes, not religious) interpretation.)
Hi Roy: I think you know enough about me to know I hate labels. So, I am very much in agreement that labels do not define the person. And opinions should be that and hopefully formed from fact.
Thanks for a different perspective.
Imagine your income is directly related to your tact. The more tact and cordiality you have, the more money you make. Because hey, it is…..
Another winner, Lori. ๐ If that doesn’t hit you where it counts, I don’t know what does. Thanks!
Hi Cathy, (Shirley ๐ ) Joking.
I always try to live by the rule that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say it.
Oh, believe me I’m not Mother Theresa either but I do try to polish my halo often!
I get absolutely bombarded with ‘stuff’ in fact a lady I spoke to a year or so ago about joining me in my business decided to go with one of these ‘hypey’ businesses that required she send regular spam out to her list. (It wasn’t even a list actually, she just spammed any email she could get her hands on right from her Gmail Account. I asked to be removed a ‘few’ times… very politely at that.
On round 20-something I was starting to think things with my ‘inside voice’ that I would never say with my ‘outside voice. I decided to write her a very nice message and asked her about what ‘exactly’ she was doing… and ‘how’ she was succeeding.
at the end of it, she admitted she wasn’t doing well and saw my point. She ended up being one of my best clients!
Controlling Satan bombs is definitely the way to go. After all if we let Satan get the better of us we are just playing into his hands!
Great post. I’m glad you shared it.
LOL-I’ve been called worse. ๐ What a great story, Jayne. I love how you turned around something so negative into a positive. Believe me, I’m no Mother Teresa either, but I challenge myself to influence someone very negative to see another side.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your story.
I love Sarcasm!! I know that it doesn’t work with clients but honestly I can’t still stop being sarcastic..The idea with picturing the mother is good:)
Hi Anna: Trust me, sarcasm is an integral part of my life. ๐ The thing is you have to be careful with it. For people who don’t know you,they may miss that you’re being sarcastic. And it’s often misinterpreted in the written form.
Now that I know that about you, I promise not to take it personally. ๐ Thanks for sharing your view, Anna.