3 Note-taking Tools-Make a Note of It

by | Sep 5, 2011

Have you noticed the older you get the more you rely on notes?

  • Notes on post ideas
  • Notes on your next project
  • Notes on where you put your notes

Note-taking tools are the replacement for those lost brain cells.

Here are just a few.

#1 – Evernote

The grand-daddy of note-taking tools is Evernote – at least it feels like it’s been around forever.

Journalists swear by it.

You download the software to your computer or mobile device. Here are a few of its tasks.

  • Create notes
  • Store PDFs
  • Capture photos or images
  • Premium account stores Word documents and spreadsheets

Evernote has a strong keyword search feature that finds even your handwritten scribbles.

#2 – Springnote

Springnote is a free online tool.

It offers a Personal notebook for your use or a Group notebook you share with others.

  • It has a search engine for keyword search
  • 2 GB file storage (many users consider the small storage space a limitation)
  • Provides a What You See Is What You Get (WYSISYG) text editor
  • Can organize with tags and use of dashboard for activities
  • Has an iPhone application

Springnote remembers the last note you were working on if you shut it down for any reason. There’s a feature a baby boomer brain appreciates.

#3 – Catch

Catch can be used online or on your mobile device or tablet and is a free note-taking tool.

  • “Catch” ideas with text or voice, images
  • Create secure passwords for protecting notes (a 12-year-old diary-writer’s dream)
  • Add a Locations setting that attaches addresses to notes
  • Add Chrome or Firfefox extensions
  • Can upgrade to Pro version (more storage capacity-upload PDFs, Word documents)

As the saying goes – Six to one, half a dozen to another – note-taking tools are about what works best for you.

Even if that’s just pen and paper.

How about you?

Do you have a favorite note-taking tool?


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  1. Nicky Parry

    Oh I’m a huge fan of Evernote! I have the iPhone app too, so it makes it really easy for me to jot down notes when I’m on the go. I’ll have to investigate the other two as well – they look interesting.

  2. Cathy

    Hi Nicky: Thanks for weighing in with your vote. I will be trying my luck at a new smart phone in the near future so I figure that’s a good time to check the options.

    I appreciate the feedback. 🙂

  3. Sharon Hurley Hall

    And then there’s Springpad, which is like Evernote, but prettier.

  4. Cathy

    Pretty & efficient – just like us, Sharon. LOL! 😀

    I checked out Springpad and you’re right, it is pretty. 🙂 Thanks for sharing another note-taking tool, Sharon!

  5. John Soares

    I’ve been hearing such good things about Evernote recently that I’m going to seriously see how it can help me. So far I keep notes on Word docs, with the help of my digital recorder, with all notes backed up offsite.

  6. Cathy

    I’m with you, John, although Sharon has me considering Springpad as well. Part of the reason I wrote this post is to check out options. Let us know if you go ahead with Evernote and what you think.

    Thanks for stopping by, John.

  7. Sharon Hurley Hall

    For some reason, I found it easier to use Springpad than Evernote, but my use has dropped off recently. Most of the stuff I collect is in the form of links, so I now collate and tag those with Trunk.ly and use Workflowy for other planning tasks.

    • Cathy

      Thanks for the additional info, Sharon. I am still exploring my options. I have a nasty habit of starting to use a tool, then totally dropping it.- especially frustrating when you pay for it. 🙂 So, that’s one good thing – these tools are free.

  8. Ann Mullen

    After my previous computer caught a fatal virus and I lost everything, I started using a composition notebook to keep usenames and passwords. I long ago stopped using my computer as the only place I keep my calendar. Same thing.

    Suggestion: not only back up your stuff, but print it out weekly and ditch last week’s.

    Don’t trust electronics any farther than you can throw them (smart phones, too).

    • Cathy

      Very good advice, Ann. You need multiple back-up-paper burns and electronics crash. Thanks for sharing your pain. 🙂

  9. Sherrie Koretke

    I’ve tried Evernote and Springpad. Either I’m not much of a note taker or their organizational styles don’t mesh with mine. I’ll have to take a look at Catch. That’s a new one to me.
    Thanks, Cathy!

  10. Cathy

    Thanks for sharing that, Sherrie. Like I said, I’m still weighing my options and I appreciate your point of view.

  11. Theresa Torres

    Hi Cathy,
    I love Evernote! I rely on it a lot for storing my to-do-lists, tutorials, web clippings, etc.
    I still use pen and paper when I’m not online although I’m considering using a digital voice recorder for note-taking.
    Having other options is also nice so I’m going to check out springnote, catch, and springpad as well.
    Thanks for sharing these tools. Have a nice day!

  12. Cathy

    Hi Theresa-sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve been out of town and your comment was dumped in the spam folder. 🙁

    I am hearing a lot of good things about Evernote and will have to check it out. I use voice recording on my Blackberry when I’m out walking-some of my best inspiration time!

    Thanks for stopping by, Theresa and sharing your view. I do appreciate it!


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