You Know You Have Too Many Newsletter Subscriptions When…

by | Feb 21, 2011

Recently, a wave of email spam got me thinking.

Now, that’s a first – thought-provoking spam.

The latest spam attack has to do with newsletter subscriptions.

Here’s how it works —

  • You receive an email asking you to confirm your sign-up for the latest newsletter
  • Just click on the link
  • We’ve all seen that, right?
  • Here’s the thing – you have no idea who the sender is

The email could be a more sinister scam. I don’t know. I didn’t click on the links sent to me by three different unknown sources.

But, as I said, it got me thinking.

There is such a thing as too many newsletter subscriptions.

Blue Collar Logic

In the spirit of Blue Collar Comedy, here are some signs that you might have too many newsletter subscriptions.

  • You don’t know the sender
  • You never heard of the site
  • You figure you probably did sign up for it (since you do it all the time)
  • So, what the heck, might as well check it out

Sign #2 – Your subscriptions outnumber your subscribers

  • You don’t understand why you have so few subscribers
  • But, you’re not worried
  • Your newsletters guarantee the secret to more

Sign #3 – You delete newsletters without reading them

  • You delete them every month
  • You could unsubscribe
  • But, you have so many you don’t read
  • It would take forever to unsubscribe

Sign #4 – The newsletters start to look alike

  • You swear you read the content somewhere else
  • They don’t really offer anything new
  • Even the graphics look the same

Sign #5 – You have no idea how many you have

  • Quick, estimate how many subscriptions you have
  • Less than 5?
  • More than 20?
  • You can’t count that high?

How did you do? Have any of the 5 signs crept into your Inbox?

How do you finish the sentence?

You know you have too many newsletter subscriptions when…

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