Win Copy of Mike Stelzner’s New Book: Launch

by | Jun 26, 2011

A previous post announced I would be doing a book review of Mike Stelzner’s new book –

Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition

Due to a glitch in shipping, it took longer than expected to receive the copies of the book.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is –

  • The books arrived
  • The review will be this week
  • On Wednesday, June 29, 2011
  • There is an additional book to give away

The New Give-away

Originally, the plan was a photo contest, featuring Social Media Examiner’s mascot, Scout.

Because of the delay, we are going to make it simple. You know how I love simple.

  • We have two books for give-aways
  • Leave a comment indicating why you would like a chance at winning
  • You can leave a comment here – or –
  • Leave a comment on the book review post on Wednesday

The contest closes 5 PM Pacific time on Friday, July 1, 2011

Note-changed contest close date to July 1 from July 8

  • Winners will be selected at random through an Excel random selector
  • And you thought I couldn’t do math
  • Okay, I cheated – I downloaded the Excel document (shout out to my buddy, Shane Arthur, for the link)

Winners will be contacted by email for shipping information and posted on this blog.

Launch Your Chance to Win

If you’d like Mike’s formula for growing Social Media Examiner to over 80,000 subscribers in 18 months, leave a comment for your chance to win one of two copies of Launch.

Watch for the review this Wednesday – right here – at Simply stated business.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Sharon Hurley Hall

    I love book contests! I’ll leave my comment here. I’ve followed what Mike’s done with interest and I’ve worked with him in the past as an occasional contributor to the Writing White Papers blog. I’m pretty sure he’s good some good lessons to share, so that’s why I’d like to win a copy, Cathy.

  2. Cathy

    Thanks, Sharon, for kicking it off. Your name’s in the hopper. Good luck!

  3. Buddy Hodges

    I love social media, and I am an avid student of the subject. I follow the Social Media Examiner blog, and I expect that Mike’s book will be well worth reading. I’m looking forward to it.

  4. Cathy

    HI, Buddy-thanks for stopping by and signing up for the giveaway. Good luck!

  5. Ashley

    Hi Cathy!

    I would love to read this book, so I’ll be looking into it even if I don’t win the giveaway. I’m going to jump over to your review right now!

    • Cathy

      Hi Ashley-we’ve thrown your name into the ring. I am sure you won’t be disappointed. Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


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