Will BUMP Safety Membership Cause More Bumps?

by | Feb 24, 2011

BUMP markets itself as a “safety, marketing, membership and communucation platform.”

After watching its YourTube video, it had me wondering how safe.

Here is how it works.

  • Users connect online, using unique identifiers
  • The identifiers include license plates, mobile phones and online profiles
  • BUMP provides messaging tools
  • It connects the profile with the identifiers

The video shows the myriad of ways this little safety membership works. Just take a look and see what you think.

Makes you wonder what happens when the person driving the car picks up their mobile phone to read the text message.

I cannot imagine why I would want to have my license plate be a unique identifier.

How about you? Do you find any value in this “safety” membership?


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  1. Anne Wayman

    I do NOT want people to be able to track me through my license plate for crying out loud. DMV knows everything about me… including where I live. No thanks.

  2. Cathy

    Couldn’t agree more, Anne. In my humble opinion, the whole thing seems kind of silly, too. I just don’t see the value. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Anne.


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