When Brilliant Posts Fall in the Forest of Unread

by | Jun 22, 2011

We all have them – those brilliant posts that are never read.

  • Or at least we all want to think so
  • Don’t shatter the illusion

So, what to do?

Do you leave it in the Forest of Unread and pray for someone to come along and discover it?

What do you think the odds are for that happening?

It’s Your Business

When people hear the term business writing, many think – B-O-R-I-N-G.

It doesn’t have to be.

Your blog is the perfect vehicle for kicking the boring bejesus out of your business writing.

Tip: if you own a business and you provide content on a blog about your business – guess what – that’s business writing.

What’s that you say? Been there – done that.

  • You let your creativity fly
  • You wrote brilliant posts
  • But nobody noticed
  • If the lack of comments is any indication

I feel your pain. I have a plan.

Brilliant Post Challenge

Let’s excavate those brilliant posts.

  • Clear away the brush (off)
  • Let the sun shine down
  • For all the world to see

Okay, so maybe the world is a little ambitious.

  • Leave a comment with what you liked about your brilliant post
  • If you can, use CommentLuv to link to your brilliance
  • If not, leave a SINGLE link to your post

Play nice. I reserve the right to delete comments with links that do not play in the spirit of the challenge.

  • Come back and click on the links that interest you
  • Leave a comment at the posts
  • Come back and tell us which ones you liked
  • Tweet the best

Get the Ball Rolling

I’ll get the ball rolling by sharing mine.

I stumbled across this post when doing another one.

  • It was in the first year of this business blog
  • I’m sure that must be the reason
  • Why else did it get so little play?

Brilliance is probably way too strong a word for it, but I had fun with it.

The words flowed and I was clicking – apparently with a muffler on. Other than my friend, Kim, no one heard a sound.

So, check it out and see what you think.

Now – share yours.

By the way, this challenge is one idea for shaking up your business writing. What ideas do you have?

BigStock Photo Credit


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.





  1. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

    I have but two answers. 1- we overrate our own output. 2- I’ve seen whose been elected, why I am surprised that genius is not recognized?

  2. Cathy

    Hi Roy: Thanks, as always, for your frank perspective. While I agree we can overrate our own output, I still believe there are some really good posts that don’t get read-for a number of reasons.

    In any event, this tongue-in-cheek post aims to add a smile-if nothing else – at least if it’s read. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Roy.

  3. Leanne Chesser

    I’ll play :). Here’s a post that’s not really brilliant, but it was sure fun. It only had 8 comments and 5 of them were my own! It’s here: http://www.wahm-solution.com/talk-block.html/ and thanks for this great idea :).

  4. Cathy

    Yay!!! Thanks for playing, Leanne! :-)I’m going to check it out right now.

  5. Cathy

    Hi Mavis: Thanks for stopping by. Apparently, it’s not as interesting as I thought. LOL! 😀 I guess it’s another of my brilliant posts gone bad.

    In any event, I do appreciate you commenting, Mavis.


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